Yoga and Diabetes – A Scientific Look

Yoga and Diabetes | When to engage in exercise and how to monitor sugar levels? | The Benefits of Yoga Practice

Diabetes is easier to control by leading an active lifestyle. Regular physical activity, diet, and specialist supervision help achieve glycemic goals.

However, hard training often leads to hypoglycemia. This condition can cause one to eat sweets and sugar levels are expected to rise. So, what can be done? How can one get the benefit and pleasure from exercise? Our suggestion: try yoga. Next, we will tell you what the features of practice for diabetes are, how to monitor the level of sugar during classes and other tips.

It’s important for people with diabetes to choose an exercise system that helps reduce stress, supports their emotional and physical condition. Yoga is just such an exercise.

In the classroom, you focus on breathing and relaxation, training and stretching. The body becomes stronger and more flexible, the level of stress is reduced, which favorably affects the level of blood sugar.

Yoga is less energy consuming than fitness or running, so it does not lead to a sharp drop in sugar levels. In addition, mastered breathing and relaxation techniques can be used to deal with stress in life.

Yoga and Diabetes: A Scientific Look

In the scientific world, studies are regularly conducted related to diabetes of various types. Scientists have also analyzed the effect of yoga on the body of a person living with this disease. Here are two of them:

The Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism mentions that yoga can assist in the treatment of diabetes. In the course of research, scientists were able to find out that the practice of yoga:

  • improves the quality of life of people with diabetes;
  • trains the cardiovascular system;
  • in combination with diet and the ability to manage stress improves insulin sensitivity;
  • may be useful in the treatment of insulin resistance syndrome.

The Journal of Yoga and Physiotherapy published the results of a small study. This pilot study involved 10 patients with type 2 diabetes. Volunteers – people aged 49–77 years, living with diabetes for more than 10 years β€” did yoga every day for three months for 10 minutes. An important condition was the observance of a diet prescribed by a specialist and control of blood sugar.

After 3 months, summing up the results of the study, scientists noted the following achievements:

  • fasting capillary blood glucose among yoga participants decreased by 45%;
  • heart rate decreased;
  • diastolic blood pressure stabilized.

Of course, insulin-dependent people with diabetes should not stop taking insulin. However, it is necessary to adjust its dosage and monitor the level of sugar. Remember: yoga can be effective in treating diabetes only in combination with other medical measures.

When to engage in exercise and how to monitor sugar levels?

Yoga for diabetes should be practiced before meals. You can do it both in the morning and in the evening, starting from 20-30 minutes and gradually increasing the duration of classes. During the workout, listen to the body: if the exercises cause discomfort, relax.

Sugar levels must be checked before and after class.

Important! Do yoga only with a trainer! Tell him about your illness so that he can create a suitable training program.

Conclusion: The Benefits of Yoga Practice

To summarize, yoga is available to almost everyone: children, adults, the elderly. It allows you to achieve the following effects:

  • reduce stress;
  • lose weight;
  • increase flexibility, muscle strength, tone;
  • improve breathing, increase vitality and energy;
  • normalize the work of the cardiovascular system.

The risk of injury when doing yoga under the supervision of a trainer is minimal. But not only this makes the practice valuable for a person with diabetes. Yoga can:

Help stabilize blood glucose

  • increase insulin sensitivity;
  • tone the nervous system;
  • stabilize your mood;
  • balance the mind.

Yoga classes, if they are conducted under the supervision of the attending physician and trainer, can help you accept yourself and your personality, learn to live with diabetes and keep the situation under control. Your life will become more eventful, your health will improve, and the results achieved will push you to new records.