Symptoms of Diabetes | Prediabetes And Diabetes | A condition prior to type 2 diabetes. Prediabetes

All About Prediabetes And Diabetes
All About Prediabetes And Diabetes

I’ll start with the positive statement that diabetes has long ceased to be a death sentence for those with this insidious disease. It is not the disease itself that is dangerous, but its complications, which, with certain actions, can be minimized or even completely neutralized. It is much better when diabetes is detected in the early stages.

Evidence-based medicine has a reliable, proven knowledge base on diabetes. Based on this knowledge, here in a simple, accessible form, you can get answers to questions about what diabetes is, how to understand that you have diabetes, what symptoms exist, how to treat.

Answers that literally extend the life of a diabetic and improve the quality of life.

Anyone can get diabetes. According to WHO statistics, there is a steady increase in the number of cases in the world. Unfortunately, diabetes is one of the top ten causes of death in the world, second only to cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer. But in fact, these statistics can be significantly reduced. Defeat diabetes by learning to manage it!


Symptoms of Diabetes

Symptoms are manifestations of the disease, external or internal. So, with regard to diabetes, by and large there are no symptoms. Especially in the early stages of the disease, especially with type 2 diabetes. That is why doctors call these diseases “silent killers.”So, diabetes is asymptomatic for several years, and many do not even suspect about their illness. They learn about it either by chance in medical institutions, or when the first consequences of diabetes mellitus appear. Thirst paired with profuse urination, weight loss, fatigue, etc. are all complications of diabetes.


Diabetes is no longer a death sentence; the main thing is to prevent complications.

The onset of type 1 diabetes is somewhat different. The symptoms of this type of disease are more pronounced, the treatment is specific. It is less common; we will consider it in a separate short article.


How to understand if you have diabetes or not?

So how then to determine the diagnosis? It is very simple. Check your blood sugar periodically. Only by determining the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood can you understand the presence or absence of diabetes. Sugar level is easily determined by a medical device – a glucometer, which can be freely purchased at a pharmacy.

Today, the meter is available for everyone. This is a cheap device, it has a simple construct, which means it is reliable and will last a long time. Only with its help can you simply, quickly and accurately make a diagnosis, as they say, without leaving home.

SUGAR DIABETES – a mathematical diagnosis. If you have a fasting blood test that has a glucose level of more than 7 mmol / L or at any time of the day after eating more than 11 mmol / L, then you have diabetes.


There are many types of diabetes, one symptom. High blood glucose for a long time!

If on an empty stomach the indications are 5.6-6.9 mmol / l, this is already an increased indicator of blood sugar, characterizing the prediabetic state.

So, whether or not you have diabetes, we have decided. What to do if blood sugar is high?

check here first


A condition prior to type 2 diabetes. Prediabetes

From a state with a high sugar content (5.6-6.9 mmol / l) often labeled “prediabetes”, according to statistics, 25% of people pass into the stage of diabetes mellitus. Especially if they don’t know anything about their condition or know but do nothing to prevent the disease.

Important! Timely detection of “prediabetes” allows in some cases to reverse the situation, normalize carbohydrate metabolism and AVOID type 2 diabetes.

Of course, if timely detect violations of carbohydrate metabolism – this is half the battle. It is also necessary to affirm the desire for preventive measures in order to prevent the further development of diabetes. What is important, these measures are often associated with lifestyle changes.