Work and Diabetes

Available professions | Contraindicated professions | Relatively contraindicated professions | Recommended professions | Conclusion

Today I want to talk about work. Work is a common thing for everyone. It is generally accepted that this is a source of financial well-being, and therefore, human happiness. Ideally, work should be loved  and rewarding.

But the current situation is such that it is very difficult to find a “good” job. A lot of people are looking for such work every day. And sometimes, in the eyes of future employers, illness becomes a sentence for an employee. He is perceived as unproductive and weak.

There is still a stereotype in the minds of many employers that diabetes and work are incompatible things. For fear of being refused a job or for fear of being fired, many people hide their illness. But it is necessary, on the contrary, to select a job based on the presence of a disease.

Are all professions available?

The life of a person with diabetes mellitus is subject to a specific treatment and prophylactic schedule. This is a disease with problems of the pancreas and kidneys.

And only careful observance of the regime allows people with this ailment to lead a socially active lifestyle. Engage in interesting work.

But not every job is suitable for a diabetic. Some specialties are unambiguously contraindicated. Admission to others — has severe restrictions.

During the medical and social examination, the types of work for medical indications are taken into account, which include:

  • hard physical labor;
  • neuropsychic stress;
  • work with transport (guide, switchman);
  • with vibration;
  • on a conveyor (on moving mechanisms);
  • with toxic substances;
  • driving professions;
  • work from a high altitude.

Considering these requirements, work for diabetics can be divided into three main groups.

Contraindicated professions

Such works are contraindicated:

  • public transportation driver;
  • pilot, cosmonaut, submariner, diver;
  • miner;
  • high-altitude installer;
  • repairman of external electrical networks;
  • mine rescuer.

Are police with diabetes recruited for work? No. That is because, this is a type of  work which involves a high level of harm, in difficult (extreme conditions).

Relatively contraindicated

Work associated with periodic business trips is relatively contraindicated and depends on the presence of concomitant diseases.

It is not recommended to work with irregular working hours and in a polluted working environment.

Recommended professions

The most optimal for diabetes are:

  • teaching activities;
  • medical, with the exception of surgery, infection and ambulance work;
  • economist;
  • psychologist;
  • programmer;
  • management activity, provided there are no complications;
  • pharmaceuticals.

The ability to work is determined by the presence of complications, the degree of their severity, as well as the frequency of coma and treatment methods.

In mild cases of type 1 or 2 diabetes, disability is not a persistent cause. The patient is recommended mental work, moderate physical work, not associated with great stress.

For women and men, these can be professions such as: librarian, secretary, notary, analyst, consultant, teacher.

Working conditions in the workplace should be normal: regular working hours and no night shifts.

Exemption from travel and additional workloads.

With retinopathy, patients are not advised to do work associated with a constant load on the optic nerve.

These are: microbiologists, watchmakers, clinical laboratory workers. And also work on a computer is contraindicated — accountants, bookkeepers, etc…

With such a complication as neuropathy, prolonged standing is not recommended.

Work is preferable, when a person can sit down if necessary. Recover your strength. This is the job of a watchman, etc.


It doesn’t matter where and by whom you work, your health is more important.

Diabetes doesn’t close the road to a dream career.

It is only necessary to take into account the risks and severity of the disease.

And the most important thing is to confidently move towards the goal!

Diet therapy, moderate physical activity and a timely injection of insulin or a taken pill give you excellent health. This is for the prevention of complications. That allows you to reach heights in any profession you choose.

Diabetes restrictions are not a whim. This saves your health. Prevents the development of complications.

And they protect you and others from industrial accidents.

Here are a few rules to keep in mind for your well-being at work:

  • Always take insulin or sugar pills with you to work. Feel free to inject if needed.
  • Do not hide your illness from colleagues.
  • Carry something sweet with you in case of hypoglycemia.

By demonstrating excellent, impeccable work and having established yourself as a competent specialist, you will destroy stereotypes about patients with diabetes.