Many people with diagnosed diabetes have questions about why sugar is higher in the morning than in the evening and what to do if high sugar is observed in the morning on an empty stomach. The intensity and nature of metabolic processes in the body directly depends not only on the general state of health, but also on the time of day. In endocrinology, there are concepts such as the Somogyi effect and the dawn phenomenon. Both terms are familiar firsthand to people diagnosed with diabetes. Along with the listed effects, there is an additional list of reasons that can cause a sharp increase in blood glucose in the morning.


In the time interval from 12 to 3 am, the pancreas does not produce the hormone insulin, since there is no need for this biologically active compound. That is why, in the time interval from 3 to 8 in the morning there is a sharp jump in blood glucose levels. The dawn phenomenon occurs in any person, regardless of the presence of problems with the production of the hormone insulin by the pancreatic tissue.

If a person does not suffer from diabetes, then this phenomenon does not affect the general condition. After awakening, the body produces the amount of hormone necessary to normalize metabolic processes. Patients with diabetes are more likely to suffer the dawn phenomenon, as their pancreas is not able to produce the physiological norm of insulin. That is why such people have an increase in blood sugar in the morning.


An alternative name for this condition is chronic insulin overdose syndrome. Compared to the previous state, the Somogyi effect is less common. This condition develops with the introduction of large doses of the hormone insulin or in violation of the pattern of use of the drug. The Somogyi effect is based on the so-called rebound reaction, which is characterized by an increase in blood glucose in response to hypoglycemia in case of an overdose of insulin. The clinical manifestations are characteristic of the Somogyi effect:

  • Drowsiness in the daytime.
  • Dizziness.
  • General weakness.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Increased appetite.

This condition can develop not only with improper treatment with insulin. When sugar is high in the morning and normal in the afternoon, the reasons may be as follows:

  • Poor nutrition. With a deficiency of carbohydrates in the daily diet, a sharp drop in blood glucose levels is observed, with its subsequent increase.
  • Alcohol consumption. Ethanol contained in alcoholic beverages has a sugar-lowering effect due to the inhibition of gluconeogenesis in the liver.
  • Physical overload. Excessive physical activity after the introduction of insulin or immediately after this leads to a sharp decrease in blood sugar with a subsequent increase in glucose concentration.

If this condition remains without proper attention, then a person is faced with a deterioration in the dynamics of the disease and the development of severe complications associated with hyperglycemia.


In order to avoid the appearance of the Somogyi effect in diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to adhere to such simple rules:

  • Regularly monitor blood glucose with a portable blood glucose meter.
  • Follow dietary guidelines for patients with a similar diagnosis.
  • Stop drinking alcohol completely.
  • Avoid physical overload.

The following recommendations will help to avoid a sharp jump in blood glucose in the morning dawn phenomenon:

  • Dinner should be no later than 7 pm.
  • In the evening, you should limit the use of foods rich in fiber.
  • The daily dosage of the hormone insulin should be distributed so that the prolonged-release drug is administered between 1:00 and 3:00 at night.
  • In case of non-insulin-dependent diabetes, the drug should be taken in the evening before bedtime and immediately after morning awakening and measuring blood sugar with a glucometer.

If these tips are ineffective, the only way to avoid sudden spikes in sugar levels is to install a round-the-clock insulin pump. If one of the effects develops in women during the period of gestation with gestational diabetes, then she should use all of the listed recommendations.

With timely diagnosis and correction, both conditions do not pose a threat to the health and life of the diabetic. Proper treatment eliminates metabolic disorders, and the disease itself goes into the stage of sustainable compensation. The prevention of morning hyperglycemia is based on the correct use of sugar-lowering drugs and insulin, as well as the absence of errors in nutrition and level of physical activity. If a diabetic has high blood sugar in the morning, the endocrinologist will tell you what to do.