What to Do if Your Blood Sugar is Elevated? Diabetes Prevention

So that the situation does not worsen, there are diabetes preventions that reduce the risk of the disease | Bulging stomach | Daily physical activity | Another important point | Complications of Diabetes | Important

Firstly, it may be enough to not be overweight. With normal body weight, the risk of developing diabetes is much lower than with obesity.

Especially dangerous in this regard is abdominal obesity, the so-called “bulging stomach”. Determining whether there is abdominal obesity is very simple. It is necessary to measure the waist circumference. In men, a waist circumference of 94 cm is considered a sign of obesity, in women – from 80 cm. Height does not matter.

Secondly, pay attention to daily physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle leads to a decrease in the activity of cell receptors involved in the process of glucose uptake.

Thirdly, you need to get enough sleep. Sleep time, which has a positive effect on lowering blood sugar, should be from 5 to 8 hours a day.

And another important point is to quit smoking, and this can be a good reason to quit. Nicotine adversely affects cell receptors, which makes them immune to insulin. Because of this, the cells receive less glucose, which remains in the blood.

Read more about diabetes, information for consideration

So, the diagnosis is made – diabetes.

We must proceed to treatment, but let’s talk about this in the next chapter. Now let’s look at what diabetes leads to if it is not treated or if it is not diagnosed in time.

With elevated blood sugar, all types of metabolism are disrupted. First of all, organs that need good blood supply are affected. The so-called “target organs” of diabetes are the kidneys, skin, eyes, heart. When they are affected this leads to characteristic complications. Let’s consider them in more detail.

Complications of Diabetes

The heart of a diabetic is under direct threat. The risk of a heart attack or stroke increases exponentially. Doctors even began to consider diabetes as an equivalent of coronary heart disease and to treat diabetes patients more seriously, as if they had already had a heart attack. Everything is aimed at preventing complications in the vessels.

Diabetes is detrimental to vision and can even lead to blindness. The fact is that the most important part of the visual system is the retina, which is very demanding of good blood supply. Due to the deterioration of the network of small blood vessels, blood supply simply becomes insufficient.

All for the same reason, kidneys, skin and feet suffer. Uncontrolled diabetes can cause the kidneys to stop working. Diabetes is one of the main “suppliers” of patients to dialysis centers, where people’s blood is filtered and cleaned using a special machine.

It is also important to note that diabetics are five times more likely to have cancer. The reason for this is insulin, which is a tissue growth hormone. Its chronic overabundance can trigger tissue growth, including malignant cells.

Important! Target Organs for Diabetes – Eyes, Heart, Kidneys, Feet

All these are very serious complications, often leading to fatal consequences. But a timely diagnosed disease and timely, ongoing treatment for diabetes will help to avoid them.