What Can and Cannot Be Eaten to Stop Hypoglycemia

Chocolate | Caramel | Fruits | Pastries | Sandwiches | How to stop hypoglycemia

“Hurray! Hypoglycemia, finally you can eat your favorite snacks!” – Similar thoughts arise in many people with diabetes. But this is an erroneous opinion, which can turn into big problems. But why?

Chocolate and sweets

Although chocolate has a lot of sugar, it contains no less fat, which slows down the absorption of glucose. Therefore, chocolate sweets, as well as pure chocolate itself, very slowly fight hypoglycemia. Moreover, after normalization, a gradual increase in glucose concentration and the development of hyperglycemia are possible.


Caramel has a high glycemic index – it is absorbed relatively quickly. BUT! It needs to be unwrapped and sucked on and this is not always easy in a state close to loss of consciousness. In addition, very precious time is wasted on this.


Firstly, fruits have a lot of fiber, which is why carbohydrates are absorbed slowly. Secondly, you need to chew the fruit, you need to eat a fairly large amount, and this is the time.

Cookies, muffins and other pastries

Yes, when baking, white flour with a high glycemic index is used. And also – fat with a GI of zero. Therefore, assimilation will not be fast enough. Moreover, in diabetes, baking creates an unnecessary strain on the pancreas and liver.


A sandwich is a combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. As we already learned, in this case, the glucose level will rise slowly.

How to stop hypoglycemia

Fast carbohydrates, which begin to be absorbed even in the oral cavity, are best suited for stopping hypoglycemia. These include: sugar, juices, glucose solution, special means of stopping hypoglycemia.

It is ideal to carry special candies and juices with dextrose, where the amount of glucose is strictly dosed. They not only quickly stop hypoglycemia, but also prevent a sharp increase in sugar. Yes, if there are no recommended foods at hand, it’s better to eat some carbohydrates than nothing. But diabetes does not tolerate oversight and neglect. Therefore, always beware and carry a means to increase sugar in an emergency.