Vitamin A for Diabetes

Why does the body need this vitamin | Where is vitamin A found

Did you know that the appearance of “night blindness”, when the eyes are rebuilt for a long time to change the lighting, is the main symptom of a lack of vitamin A? It is this vitamin that plays an important role in maintaining vision. And diabetic retinopathy, which is characteristic of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, will develop much more slowly. In this article, you will find out what else vitamin A can do for type 1 diabetes.

Why does the body need this vitamin?

Besides the fact that vitamin A, or retinol, regulates night and color vision, the benefits to the body from it are enormous. It is prescribed for retinopathy and cataracts.

The increased content of free radicals in the blood of a diabetic contributes to the development of many complications. Antioxidant therapy, carried out with vitamins A, C and E, cleanses the body of harmful radicals and, as it were, “slows down” the disease, preventing the development of complications.

This vitamin has two forms. Retinol is a ready-made vitamin A found in food of animal origin. And carotenoid is provitamin A, first derived from carrots. When it enters the body, it turns into vitamin A.

Carotenoids enter the body through vegetables, fruits, and seasonings.

Retinol normalizes metabolism, strengthens the immune system, and promotes wound healing.

And this is very important in diabetes. Indeed, with this disease, wound healing occurs at a much slower rate.

It participates in the formation of sex hormones, and during pregnancy is responsible for ensuring that the embryo receives nutrition.

Retinol is also called the “beauty and youth” vitamin because it is responsible for skin renewal. It is a wonderful natural antioxidant that makes our hair shiny and silky, and our skin elastic and supple. Therefore, it can often be found in shampoos and creams.

Retinol also evens out complexion, smoothes wrinkles and fights inflammation. Therefore, it is extremely important for the face.

Vitamin A slows down the aging process and promotes the growth of new cells in the body. Strong bones and healthy teeth are not only due to calcium, but also retinol.

Strengthening the nervous system, improving sleep, increasing stress resistance and tissue nutrition — this is also the work of retinol!

Where is vitamin A found?

Carrots, pumpkins, peaches, zucchini are very rich in vitamin A, that is, fruits and vegetables of orange or yellow color.

It can be found in even greater quantities in seasonings: sage, paprika, curry, and basil.

In animal products, it is found in fish oil, cod liver, eggs, milk, and butter.

For example, taking vitamin A daily, as a fish oil, will significantly reduce the risk of severe consequences in old age and prolong the life of people with diabetes of any type.

Looking to get a bronze tan? Then the diet must contain foods rich in these elements.

Do you know that it is enough to drink a glass of carrot juice before sunbathing? And you will turn into a “chocolate”!

Retinol is resistant to heat. This vitamin is destroyed by ultraviolet rays. Therefore, prolonged exposure of food to air contributes to a partial loss of retinol.

This vitamin has contraindications, so if you decide to take pharmacological forms of retinol, consult a specialist beforehand.

So much depends on vitamin A! Therefore, you cannot neglect it!