Type 2 Diabetes Diet – Simple Tips

Nutrition Basics | Innovative weight loss techniques

Statistics state the fact that the presence of type 2 diabetes for 50% of people is a complete surprise. The diagnosis is established either by chance during a routine examination, or as concomitant with the current disease. The result of this attitude to one’s health is complications typical of diabetes. Even occasionally exceeding the normal limit of blood sugar (above 5.5 mmol / L) already indicates a malfunction in the body’s glucose uptake system. The reasons lie either in a violation of the function of the pancreas that produces insulin, or in the inability of the cells to absorb the glucose product they proposed after processing it with insulin. Pathological changes in the working cells of the gland that produce it lead to low biological activity of the hormone.

Such destruction of b-cells can be the result of violations of intrauterine development, postnatal nutrition and genetic malfunctions. Hyperglycemia arising for various reasons with a sugar level of more than 6.7 mmol / L gives rise to a well-founded assumption of the presence of diabetes mellitus. This type 2 disease can develop at any age, but it is most common in people who have crossed the 40-year mark. The disease progresses slowly and for a long time is not accompanied by vivid symptoms. Most often, a patient with “experience” is overweight, but in modern society this phenomenon is not uncommon for other reasons. When the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is made, it is urgent to begin treatment under the supervision of an endocrinologist.

Nutrition Basics for Diabetics

Diet for type 2 diabetes is the main therapeutic factor. The basis for successful treatment is the patient’s thorough compliance with all the doctor’s instructions. Unauthorized changes in the nature of the prescribed diet, irregular medication can cause serious consequences. Diabetes mellitus involves:

  • avoiding sweets that instantly supply glucose to the blood: sweets and honey, sugar and jam, cakes and pastries;
  • restriction of foods high in carbohydrates: bread, flour and cereals, potatoes;

However, these restrictions do not imply a severe way of eating, devoid of a rich palette of taste sensations. On the contrary, a mild and moderate form of type 2 diabetes with systematic control of sugar levels makes it possible to include a small amount of sweets in the diet. Nutrition for type 2 diabetes allows the use of many varied and delicious dishes. Even a healthy person can fully and with great pleasure stick to it. Doctors and culinary experts unanimously argue that diabetics require great self-will to continue to improve.

Diet for type 2 diabetes is the main therapeutic factor.

Vegetables and fruits should become the basis of the diet of diabetics, and the main criterion for the amount of incoming food is the rule: everything is useful, which is consumed within reasonable limits. Experts recommend using the principle of fractional nutrition, that is, the daily amount of food should be eaten in equal portions for 4-6 meals. The choice of products for type 2 diabetes should be made in favor of rich in micro and macro elements and vitamins. Using natural and varied foods, you will not feel a lack in variety. But remember that diet is one of the methods of therapy and a doctor should prescribe it, taking into account your medical history, test results and the current state of the body.

In diabetes, a standard daily distribution of products is established:

  • vegetables – up to 900 g;
  • fruits – up to 400 g;
  • dairy products – up to 0.5 l;
  • meat and fish – up to 300 g;
  • mushrooms – up to 150 g;
  • carbohydrates – 100 g of bread (can be replaced with 200 g of potatoes or cereals).

Vegetables and fruits should become the basis of the diet of diabetics.

When choosing recipes for type 2 diabetes, you should remember that in a dish that includes proteins and complex carbohydrates, only a small amount of healthy fats can be present: vegetable oils or nuts. Nutritionists recommend that people with such a diagnosis eat at the same time, and dinner is mandatory no later than 2 hours before bedtime. They also warn to not skip breakfast, as morning food helps to stabilize blood sugar levels as well as possible. Diabetics should adhere to this kind of nutrition all their lives. This will keep them physically fit and save them from formidable complications from the cardiovascular system.

Using innovative weight loss techniques

In case of metabolic imbalance, for cells to function properly, a sufficient number of vitamins and minerals is vital, therefore berries and fruits in type 2 diabetes play an important role in the nutrition of patients. You only need to know the measure and not get carried away by such sweet fruits as grapes and raisins, bananas and dates. It is important to eat slowly and consciously, because the brain needs time to feel full. A bad day does not mean you need sweets, there are other ways to make it through: music, walking, massage. They will certainly help reduce the number of calories entering the body, as well as glucose and other tricks:

  • replace bread with oatmeal or zucchini in minced meat;
  • replace white rice with brown rice;
  • give preference to casseroles and pastes from vegetables;
  • use stewed vegetables as a side dish.

They will help to remove the fatty deposits characteristic of this disease, drugs that affect the metabolic rate in the body. It has been established that ginger in type 2 diabetes can effectively remove toxins from cells and water from the intercellular space. Adding it to food, even in the form of a dry powder, significantly improves digestion, accelerates intestinal motility and the general condition of the body as a whole. Ginger drinks are quite effective and enjoyable. Lowering pressure, improving the functioning of the heart muscle is the predicted result of the use of this spice. But you need to know that the simultaneous use of ginger with sugar-lowering drugs can enhance their effect, so consultation with your doctor before using ginger supplements is required.

Lowering pressure, improving the functioning of the heart muscle is the result of the use ginger.

Combining it with another spice – cinnamon, you can give an even more tangible impetus to accelerate metabolic processes. Cinnamon in type 2 diabetes can help cells “take” the proposed glucose and limit to a certain extent the growth of cholesterol in the body. Here is a recipe for those who want not only to remove extra pounds, but also to increase the sharpness of perception by the brain of the surrounding world:

  • a powdered mixture of cinnamon and ginger – ½ teaspoon;
  • red pepper – 1 g;
  • yogurt – 250 ml.

It is important to remember that there are enough contraindications for taking cinnamon. The presence of hypertension, allergic reactions and a tendency to bleeding in patients is a signal to stop its use. During pregnancy, cinnamon should not be used. The benefits of fasting with type 2 diabetes have not been clearly assessed to date, but nutritionists and endocrinologists recommend sometimes fasting. Each patient approaches individually the choice of his type, according to his preferences.

For preventive purposes diabetics should be regularly examined for blood sugar and urine.

Given the role of the hereditary predisposition in the occurrence of the disease, members of families where there are already patients with diabetes should follow a diet with some restriction of carbohydrates in the diet. For preventive purposes, elderly people, primarily those suffering from obesity, atherosclerosis, and hypertension, should be regularly examined for blood sugar and urine. For diabetics, rational employment and an active lifestyle play an important role in maintaining physical fitness and good sugar levels.