The Perfect Drink for a Healthy Life

Cancer prevention | Type 2 diabetes | Prevention of cardiovascular diseases | Contraindications

An ideal drink for prolonging life exists — this is what American nutritionists (Mayo Clinic) say and even recommend it as a means to prolong life due to its benefits: the ability to protect organs from cancer, type 2 diabetes, and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Of course, in addition to the regular consumption of tea, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle: regularly exercise, quit smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, adhere to a healthy diet. The base of the drink is simple and known to everyone — it is sage. Scientists have found trace elements in sage tea that prevent the occurrence of serious diseases.

Cancer prevention

Sage contains a compound that creates a barrier to the development of cancer cells — carnosol. Its action has been tested in laboratory conditions. As a result of the experiments, it was concluded that carnosol destroys some types of cancer cells, bypassing healthy ones.

Further, the effect of carnosol was tested on 500 volunteers — tea lovers with sage. The experiment confirmed early tests- lab work taken from subjects showed that processes occur in patients’ bodies indicating a decrease in the risk of developing cancer cells. Thus, doctors concluded that sage is capable of preventing genetic changes that contribute to the development of tumors in the colon.

Type 2 diabetes

The study was carried out in experimental animals and then on patients with diabetes. The results of the study showed: the content of sugar in the blood is reduced if you drink 500 mg of tea with sage 3 times a day after meals on an empty stomach.

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases

With age, people accumulate fatty deposits on the walls of the arteries as a result of a neglect of their health: the presence of bad habits, unhealthy diet, a sedentary lifestyle. Sage helps to clear blood vessels of deposits in the arteries, which facilitates blood access to the brain and heart muscle.

Participants in the experiment took 300 ml of tea with sage extract 2 times a day, as a result of which, at the end of the study, analyzes showed a decrease in low density lipoprotein (LDL) by 16%. The level of proteins that cleanse blood vessels from accumulated fatty deposits (HDL) increased by 20%.

Interestingly, another study that clearly showed the benefits of sage tea in preventing disease. In two control groups to test the healing effect of a drink with sage extract, volunteers were selected who had a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Participants in one group took the drink 3 times a day, 500 mg after meals, the second group did not drink tea with sage. As a result, analyzes of the first group showed more favorable levels of triglycerides and all cholesterol markers. The results of the participants of the second group remained at the initial level.


As such, no contraindications to the use of sage as a drink for the prevention of type 2 diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and also as a concomitant agent in the treatment of these diseases have been found. However, you need to know that sage contains the substance thujone.

Thujone is toxic if the dose is between 3 and 7 grams and causes vomiting, seizures, kidney and heart problems. American nutritionists claim that the content of thujone in sage extract is correct — 4-11 mg, so it does not pose a health hazard.