The Most Common Complications During Pregnancy

In pregnancy clinics, specialists pay special attention to complications and diseases that arise in women during the gestational period (the period from conception to childbirth). Unfortunately, during this period, not everyone manages to avoid complications, which is why their early detection is a guarantee of quality treatment for a pregnant woman and safety for the fetus.

The most common complications during the gestational period are:

  • high blood pressure;
  • kidney disease;
  • gestational diabetes;
  • thrombophilia and hypercoagulability;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • infections during pregnancy;
  • reverse presentation.

One of the most common symptoms during pregnancy is high blood pressure, which requires constant monitoring by specialists.

During the gestational period, special attention is paid to the work of the kidneys. Specialists looking for these types of complications work closely with specialists from the Department of Nephrology.

Those women who had already suffered from diabetes before pregnancy are under close medical supervision. Even before the onset of pregnancy, expectant mothers should conduct genetic studies and metabolic control, as well as diagnose kidney and eye diseases, if any. A patient suffering from gestational diabetes is offered several options for delivery for consideration, the woman can discuss the effectiveness and acceptability of all options with her doctor. And after giving birth, the patient can get a consultation at the National Center for the Study of Childhood Diabetes.

A patient suffering from gestational diabetes is offered several options for delivery for consideration, the woman can discuss the effectiveness and acceptability of all options with her doctor.

Alas, the expectant mother during pregnancy does not always manage to avoid the effects of infections (hepatitis, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus), which can cause irreparable harm to the developing fetus. Therefore, in such situations, doctors must conduct detailed lab tests and joint consultations with specialists from the pediatric center.

If a woman has suffered thromboembolism before pregnancy, then it is quite possible that she suffers from hypercoagulability (increased blood clotting). Such patients are provided with regular monitoring, since this can lead to very tragic consequences: repeated miscarriage, intrauterine fetal death, severe preeclampsia (high blood pressure can threaten the life of the mother and child) or placental detachment. That is why constant monitoring of the state of health of a pregnant woman and an unborn child makes it possible to ensure complete safety of their health.

If a woman has suffered thromboembolism before pregnancy, then it is quite possible that she suffers from hypercoagulability. Such patients are provided with regular monitoring, since this can lead to very tragic consequences.

The departments of obstetrics and gastroenterology work in close tandem, since diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can have a negative impact on the condition and development of the fetus. In any pregnancy planning and monitoring clinic, each patient can receive qualified assistance, which will protect the developing fetus from harmful effects and strengthen the health of the pregnant woman.

And another complication that can lead to serious complications during childbirth is incorrect (reverse) presentation of the fetus. In some cases, the fetus in the womb is not placed in the position in which it would be more convenient for him to be born. However, this problem can be solved: on an outpatient basis, at 37 weeks of pregnancy, measures are taken to change the position of the fetus.