The Effect of Physical Activity on Diabetes

Why do we need it | Types of physical activity | When you can’t do too much

If you want to be beautiful — run, if you want to be healthy — run, if you want to be strong — run! So, they said in ancient Greece. Movement is life! This is a very important component of any person’s health.

Physical activity on a regular basis is part of the comprehensive treatment of diabetes mellitus. If with type 1 diabetes, physical activity is a method of improving the quality of life and socialization, then with type 2 diabetes it is a full-fledged method of treatment. In this article, we will look at how physical activity affects the body in diabetes.

Why do we need it?

Physical activity is necessary for any person. And the point is not only that they develop muscles, strengthen and improve the functioning of human organs and systems, and increase life expectancy.

In addition, physical activity affects memory and brain performance.

This is all very important, but there is more.

The fact is that for several millennia, people survived thanks to physical work. All human organs and systems were formed in order to perform physical tasks. And the human body is accustomed to such activity, has evolved.

But in modern society, human physical activity has decreased. With a sedentary lifestyle, the human body begins to “degrade” — the work of systems and organs deteriorates, the heart and lungs weaken, muscles atrophy, bones soften. The body grows decrepit, weakens, and becomes more vulnerable to disease.

Exercise for diabetes is necessary because it helps:

  • maintain body weight (which is very important in type 2 diabetes);
  • improve compensation of diabetes mellitus;
  • increase insulin sensitivity;
  • reduce the dosage of injected insulin (for insulin-dependent diabetes);
  • lower blood sugar levels;
  • normalize blood pressure and metabolism;
  • improve physical and mental health.

This is due to the fact that working muscles absorb sugar from the blood, due to this, its content decreases. With regular physical activity, energy consumption increases, and “fat” reserves are used. All of this becomes a powerful means of achieving diabetes compensation.

Types of physical activity in diabetes

Before choosing the type of physical activity, you should consult your doctor.

The most beneficial activities for diabetes are such activities as walking, cycling, swimming, jogging (at an easy pace), rowing and dancing.

And in order for exercise to give results, a number of conditions must be observed:

  • physical activity should be moderate (this will protect the heart from overload);
  • lasts 30-40 minutes (to activate glucose and increase insulin sensitivity);
  • at least 3 times a week;
  • physical activity should be enjoyable.

In everyday life, this can be: cleaning the house, working in the garden or vegetable garden (without lifting weights) and just walking at a calm pace.

When you can’t do too much

Physical activity should be limited in severe retinopathy, in the presence of ulcers on the diabetic foot, as well as severe cardiac disorders and renal, pulmonary insufficiency. There may also be limitations in the presence of other complications of diabetes.

In such cases, the intensity of the exercise should be discussed with your doctor. Most people with diabetes have no exercise restrictions.

With physical activity, blood sugar levels decrease. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful, because hypoglycemic attacks are possible. You must be especially careful when swimming. After all, if this happens in water, irreparable damage can happen.

In order to avoid such a case, it is necessary to comply with safety rules.

Safety rules when performing physical activity:

  • Before starting classes, you need to check your sugar level.
  • Every hour of class, you need to eat 1-2 XE.
  • With prolonged physical activity, it is necessary to reduce the dose of insulin or tablets by 25%.
  • If you feel hungry, you need to take a break and eat.
  • Do not be thirsty, under any circumstances.
  • After exercise, blood sugar should be measured.

And remember, moderate exercise will help you stay fit and efficient for years to come.

You can and should live with diabetes mellitus! Be healthy! See you!