The Bitter Aftertaste of a Sweet Life

Sugar has always been considered in the USA not only as the best delicacy, but also an expensive gift. And not a single party was complete without sweets, cakes, ice cream etc.

Meanwhile, it is sugar that scientists have long defined as a “sweet poison”, since refined sugar is not only devoid of nutrition, but also contributes to the manifestation of many very serious diseases and complications. That is why scientists strongly recommend either giving up sugar or minimizing its amount in the daily diet as much as possible.

Why you should give up refined sugar

With the industrial processing of sugar cane and beets, the final product loses its nutritional value: it lacks useful substances that are so necessary for our body.

Consuming large amounts of refined sugar can lead to significant health problems. The fact is that excessive consumption of refined sugar causes a sharp jump in blood glucose levels, to which the pancreas reacts with a large release of insulin into the body of sweet lovers. Insulin, in turn, converts glucose into glycogen, which is a kind of “storage” of glucose in the liver.

And since in this case insulin converts glucose more than is necessary for the body, the glucose level falls below normal. This process causes an increased feeling of hunger and an insistent desire to re-eat something sweet. The excess glucose continues to accumulate in the liver “storage”, where it is converted into fat. And, as a consequence, over time — obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Excessive consumption of refined sugar causes a sharp jump in blood glucose levels and as a consequence — obesity and type 2 diabetes.

The mere fact that type 2 diabetes is still considered an incurable disease should be a strong argument in favor of avoiding refined sugar. Unlike type 1 diabetes, this type of disease has enough insulin in the body, but the problem is that it is ineffective because the cells in the body do not respond to it. This is why regular consumption of large amounts of sugar and high levels of insulin in the body lead to the gradual development of type 2 diabetes. To date, statistics show a record high incidence rate among both children and adults.

Another problem closely related to sugar consumption is obesity. It is directly associated not only with the development of diabetes mellitus and with the manifestation of side effects during this disease (for example, Alzheimer’s disease, impotence, etc.), but also with a whole bunch of other diseases: cardiovascular diseases, kidney disease, blindness , liver failure, nerve damage, etc.).

Obesity is directly associated with the development of diabetes mellitus and with side effects like Alzheimer’s disease, impotence.

It’s no secret that the best way to reduce anxiety or improve bad mood is with food. This applies not only to sandwiches, hamburgers, but also sweets. Quite a pleasant and easy way … but it is fraught with very serious consequences. Scientists have proven that there is a large amount of sweets that is directly related to the hyperactive state and the whims of our beloved children. As soon as you replace sugar with natural and healthy food, you will see the desired result.

Unwise consumption of sugar can affect mood swings and worsen depression. Doctors associate similar phenomena with changes in blood glucose levels. Consuming sugar brings only temporary relief: increased energy and improved mood. But this “snag” is more than compensated by the pancreas, which begins to produce more insulin than needed.

As a result, an excess amount of glucose accumulates in the body, after which its level drops sharply. This process provokes an acute desire to eat something sweet and so on endlessly. This condition can be accompanied by weakness, dizziness, bad mood, and even depression.

Unwise consumption of sugar can affect mood swings and worsen depression.

Although it is unpleasant, we have to admit that sugar is included not only in our diet, but also is food for harmful microorganisms “living” in the internal organs of our body. Feeding on sugar, they grow and multiply, creating a toxic environment that leads to the risk of various diseases.

A large amount of sugar contributes to the disturbance of the acid-base balance, which is so necessary for maintaining health. The pH balance promotes good mood and digestion, good sleep, avoids frequent colds, reduces the risk of arthritis and osteoporosis, and reduces the growth of harmful microbes in the body.

It is the pH imbalance that leads to fatigue, bad mood, problems with the intestines, skin, teeth, hair and a host of other health problems.

A large amount of sugar contributes the growth of harmful microbes in the body.

Eating large amounts of sugar deprives the body of copper, which is needed to maintain the elasticity of the arteries and veins.

The body spends the most important resources (sodium, calcium, potassium, etc.) on the “fight” with sugar, which significantly reduces its ability to resist various diseases.

The products of enhanced glycosylation, consisting of sugar and body tissues, activate the aging process. This may explain the appearance of early wrinkles and gray hair. However, the entire organism is also subject to aging as a result of its oxidation, as a result of which the period of life allotted to us is also reduced.

Avoid sugar and you will notice positive changes in your body!