Symptoms of Diabetes in Men

Etiology | Causes of diabetes in men | Other causes

Diabetes mellitus refers to a chronic endocrine disease that is widespread in recent years. The disease develops in men and a hereditary predisposition and an inappropriate attitude to their health play a role. If diabetes develops, what symptoms do men have and how is the disease recognized at the initial stage?


Diabetes is usually labeled a change in insulin performance or lack of perceptibility of the human body to this hormone. Sugar is not able to turn into glucose, so there is a large accumulation in the circulatory system. For men, the norm is 3.3-3.5 mmol / L.

To accurately determine the sugar coefficient, you need to perform a lab analysis – on an empty stomach, in the morning.

Causes of diabetes in men

Causes of diabetes in men are next:

  • Genetic factor – when relatives have diabetes.
  • Diseases of the pancreas are a chronic form of pancreatitis.
  • Infections of viral etiology.
  • Stress.
  • Excess body weight.
  • Autoimmune disorders.
  • Diseases of the heart, blood vessels.
  • Improper diet.
  • Long-term use of medicines – diuretics, hormones, antihypertensive drugs.

Genetic changes leading to the death of pancreatic islet B cells, which produce insulin, due to T-lymphocytes and autoantibodies. Often, genetic defectiveness is observed after a previous infection of a viral nature.

In 10% of cases, beta cell death is recorded without any factors.

Other causes

  • Insulin deficiency.
  • The glucose index increases, but it is not delivered by insulin to tissues and organs.
  • The body evaluates this process as a lack of glucose and triggers the breakdown of proteins and fats, turning them into sugar.
  • Thus, there is more glucose, but there is no insulin in the body.

Due to such a vicious circle, the body’s cells are starving all while there is an excess of sugar in the bloodstream.

There is a decrease in the sensitivity of receptors in tissues, organs to glucose. Insulin is produced in large volumes, it is able to bind to sugar, but the tissues do not lose perceptibility to it.

The norm of sugar is > 5.6 mmol / L

So, the sensitivity of beta cells to sugar is reduced. The norm is> 5.6 mmol / L when blood glucose is elevated. The insulin molecule is incorporated into the beta cell and leads to the release of sugar. When sensitivity decreases, insulin secretion is not observed. The mechanism of conversion of glycogen to sugar starts, the glucose index in the circulatory system increases.

In this case, knowledge of how it manifests itself and what is the first sign of diabetes in men is important.