Swelling That Occurs from Diabetes and What toDo About It

Reasons of swelling | Signs of edema | Diagnostic specialists | Treatment | How to remove swelling at home | Conclusion

The human body is 70% water. About 2/3 of it is inside the cells, and 1/3 is in the intercellular space. And if the volume of fluid in the intercellular space has increased, then edema occurs. Edema is a signal that some pathological process is taking place in the body. There are many reasons why edema occurs. In this article, we’ll look at diabetes swelling and what to do about it.

Why does swelling occur in diabetes?

Edema is tissue swelling caused by fluid buildup in the body. This is a clear symptom indicating the ongoing pathological problems in the body.

With both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, carbohydrate metabolism is impaired, which contributes to an increase in blood sugar levels. It is it high content that is the trigger for the development of complications.

High sugars damage nerve endings. Nerve fibers supply vessels with nerves, thereby regulating their lumen. If the nerve fibers are damaged, the vessels do not receive the necessary impulses and don’t do their job well. There is stagnation of blood in the legs, and this is the reason for the appearance of edema.

Glucose crystallizes and damages blood vessels. Damaged vessels become thin and brittle. Their walls become vulnerable to plasma that enters the intercellular space. Swelling is also a result.

So it turns out that the high blood sugar is to blame. But beyond these root causes, there are other factors that affect fluid build-up.

Diabetes increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The heart does not fully fulfill its “pumping” function and blood stagnation occurs.

The tendency to obesity, which often accompanies diabetics, can also cause swelling of the extremities. In addition, damage to the kidneys, which poorly perform the excretory function, can also cause swelling.

How to understand that you are swollen?

With diabetes, the arms, legs, face, feet, and thighs can swell. In order to independently determine the edema, you need to lightly press on the swollen area with your finger, and then abruptly remove it. If a hole remains on the skin, which disappears within 5-7 seconds, then there is an accumulation of fluid in the body and it is necessary to consult a doctor.

With edema, the following symptoms are possible:

  • pain;
  • burning;
  • redness;
  • tingling sensation;
  • numbness;
  • feeling of “creeping” goosebumps;
  • decreased sensitivity;
  • feeling of heaviness.

Depending on which organ is affected, the places of swelling will also change.

With kidney damage, the face, eyes, especially the eyelids, most often swell. Puffiness spreads from top to bottom. The skin is pale in color. It is warm to the touch. When pressed, a pit is formed, which quickly disappears.

With cardiovascular diseases, swelling of the legs occurs. The swelling extends to the thighs. There is a disturbance of the heart rhythm and excessive fatigue appears. The skin becomes bluish and cold. The fossa formed by pressing is slowly smoothed out.

Who should you contact with edema?

If there is edema, you should consult a doctor: endocrinologist or vascular surgeon. Specialists will take a history to establish the causes of the swelling. Diagnostics is as follows:

  • visual examination with palpation;
  • determination of additional symptoms: pain, burning, etc.;
  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • blood chemistry;
  • Ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • Ultrasound of the heart and kidneys;
  • cardiogram.

After diagnostic measures, the doctor will be able to determine the causes of edema and prescribe adequate treatment.

How is edema treated?

Swelling is just a symptom of the disease. Therefore, treatment requires the cause of it. Treatment is carried out in a comprehensive manner in all directions:

  • Normalization of blood sugar levels.
  • Correction of the dosage of hypoglycemic agents or insulin.
  • Treatment of the urinary system.
  • Treatment of the cardiovascular system.
  • Diet food.
  • Physical exercise.
  • Rejection of bad habits.

How to remove swelling at home?

Traditional medicine suggests how to eliminate swelling of the legs with various ways and decoctions. But it is necessary to understand that these procedures can only aggravate the situation. Therefore, it is better to consult a specialist before using them.

Treatment of edema with folk remedies is possible through a therapeutic infusion. For its preparation, you need: oats, green beans, currant leaves and lilac buds. They are mixed in equal quantities. Then 2 tablespoons of the mixture are poured with a glass of boiling water and let stand for 2 hours. Filter and take 1 tablespoon 2-3 weeks, 4 times a day.

You can also make a decoction of flax seeds. To do this, 2 tablespoons of seeds are poured into 0.5 liters of water and simmer for half an hour. Cool, filter and take half a glass every morning for 2 weeks.

In conclusion

How is edema treated? It is necessary to move more and be in fresh air, so you will not allow “stagnant” phenomena. The better the metabolism, the less edema.

If your legs are swollen from heat or fatigue, put them on a slight elevation for 15 minutes to facilitate the outflow of fluid. Or take a warm sea salt bath: 1 tbsp. spoon for 1 liter of water.

Be healthy! See you!