Sugar Control and Exercise

Blood sugar control is always essential before exercise. If you are planning light physical activity, or cleaning the apartment, washing windows, etc. your sugar:

  • below 7 mmol / l — have a snack 1 XE,
  • above 7 — we work without snacks,
  • 14 and up — cancel exercise, lower sugar.

With an average physical activity (walking, running, swimming, cycling):

  • sugar less than 7 mmol / l — we eat 2-3 XE, without the introduction of insulin,
  • 7 mmol / l — 9 mmol / l — eat 1 XE, without the introduction of insulin,
  • 10-14 mmol / l — we don’t have a snack,
  • above 15 — we cancel exercise, inject insulin to decrease.

Remember that a sugar load above 15 can lead to the formation of acetone.

Heart rate and exercise

During exercise, listen to your body and control the amount of load by heartbeat. There are two methods for this:

  • The number of beats per minute should be below thirty— 220. For those over 30 — 190. For those over 60 — 160 — age.
  • By real and maximum allowable heart rate. For example, you are 30, the maximum frequency is 190. The frequency at load is 110. So, you (110: 190) * 100% = 58% are exercising from the maximum allowable level.

And according to these indicators, you can determine whether this type of physical activity is suitable for you or not.

And if you don’t have enough time?

For those who have just started training, doctors recommend no more than 3 times a week. And if there is not enough time for this?

There are many types of physical activity in everyday life. Walk from store to home. In one rhythm, breathing measuredly. Climb the stairs up several floors. Not by running, but rhythmically rearranging the legs. Dance at home when you mop or dust. Add physical activity to your daily or weekly routine!

If you lead an inactive lifestyle, then today is the day when you must get up from the couch and walk, run, swim, or do whatever pleases you. Then you will be active, beautiful, and healthy!