Stages of Diabetes Mellitus

Type 1 stages | Type 2 stages

Type 1 stages

In the first type, the pancreas produces little or no insulin. Read here how to recognize type 1 diabetes.

This process of reducing the production of the hormone goes through a series of stages gradually. Each stage is accompanied by certain symptoms that intensify with each step. What are these stages and can they be cured?

  • During the first stage of diabetes, symptoms do not appear.

A person does not know and does not even suspect that he has such a problem. This is the phase of the latent course of the disease, the latent one is the early stage.

Only laboratory tests can reveal the presence of the disease.

However, we don’t like going to the doctors so much! Although at this stage it is still possible to postpone the onset of the disease through prevention!

  • In the second stage of diabetes, catalytic factors appear. And any virus or bacteria can trigger the development of the disease. For me, ARVI was such a factor. What triggered your diabetes? Also, any stressful situation, improper diet, even solar radiation can cause the development of the disease.
  • At the third stage, clinical tests show a decrease in the level of beta cells. The interval between stages is approximately 2-3 years of the course of the disease.

Our body begins to destroy itself, forming antibodies.

This is revealed by constant testing.

  • The fourth stage is called tolerant diabetes. A person may experience weakness, fatigue, apathy, but attribute this to stress or some other circumstance. Frequent occurrence of boils and conjunctivitis is also possible.
  • The fifth stage is characterized by pronounced symptoms of diabetes. And in the absence of treatment for 2-4 weeks, a life-threatening condition may appear — diabetic ketoacidosis. At this stage, ¾ of the beta cells die. This stage can and should still be controlled!
  • Stage six, or total diabetes, is completely out of control. All beta cells are dead — no insulin is produced at all.

Edema of the cerebral cortex, diabetic coma, thrombosis are possible …

Type 2 stages

Stages of diabetes mellitus: slow down the progression of diabetes.

The second type of diabetes is determined either by a lack of insulin or by its improper redistribution. Read here how to recognize type 2 diabetes. It also goes through a series of successive stages:

  • Compensation;
  • Subcompensation;
  • Decompensation.

The compensation stage is a reversible stage that is regulated by a properly selected diet.

The subcompensated stage is also reversible, but partially, bu taking hypoglycemic drugs.

At the stage of decompensation, the normal functioning of the pancreas is disrupted, a person becomes insulin-dependent.