Stages of Accepting the Inevitable: Depression

How is it manifested | How to help depressed person | How to help your partner in depression

After anger comes the stage of depression.

This condition is associated with a narrowing of a person’s ideas about his future life. It seems that life is only getting worse, nothing can help. These thoughts trigger negative feelings and emotions – sadness, anxiety, shame, fear, apathy. Negative emotions trigger negative thoughts again and so there is a vicious circle.

How is depression manifested

You or your partner:

  • cannot sleep or sleep too much;
  • cannot concentrate or it has become difficult for him to do what used to be simple;
  • feels hopeless and helpless, cannot control his negative thoughts, no matter how hard he tries;
  • loses his appetite or cannot stop eating;
  • thoughts spinning in their head: “Why am I doing this?”, “What have I done wrong?”, “I do not want to be a burden”;
  • became much more irritable and quick-tempered than usual;
  • thoughts come to mind that life is not worth living (seek help right away if this occurs).

For a couple, this period is very difficult. The patient may experience hopelessness, helplessness, fatigue, strong feelings of worthlessness, guilt, self-flagellation, self-incrimination. The stages of depression and anger can alternate alternately until they are completely experienced. On the shoulders of the second partner lie both habitual concerns and additional support and assistance.

What can be done to help the one who is experiencing the stage of depression

 The best thing you can do for yourself, your health, and your relationship is to turn to a psychologist who specializes in the psychological characteristics of diabetes. This will help you get out of unpleasant experiences faster and with the least losses for relationships and your health.

What can be done to help your partner in depression

  • Remember that this is your favorite person, and don’t forget it. This will help you to be patient and attentive in difficult times.
  • Get reliable and up-to-date information about diabetes. Know and remember that people with diabetes live happily ever after. And the quality of their life depends, first of all, on the ability to accept the disease and further interact with it.
  • Talk with your partner, support him, letting him express his feelings of longing, fear, hopelessness. Let them express these feelings without drowning them with cues “Yes, everything will be fine!”, “Yes, do not worry!” At the stage of depression, a person simply cannot “not take a steam bath”, it is higher than his psychological strength.
  • Just be around. Sometimes it’s important to just be silent together. Just hold each other’s hand. Just walk along the park or your favorite places or watch your favorite movie.