Stages of Accepting the Inevitable: Bargaining

What to do | How to help your partner

After the stage of depression, there comes the so-called stage of “bargaining.”

At this stage, the person has already understood and accepted the fact that he is sick. Moreover, he already realized that he would have to be treated. Motivation for treatment at this moment is very strong. Fear is also prevalent. There is a strong hope that he will still be able to recover completely. Therefore, a person turns to all possible types of treatment: traditional and non-traditional.

What to do on this stage

Endocrinologists are usually not considered. Wanted: reflexologists, homeopaths, masseurs, astrologers, fortunetellers, magicians, grandmother, who will give some special potion. Often at this stage, in an attempt to “bargain” for oneself health, a person is excessively keen on religion. This, as a rule, has nothing to do with faith.

All the above specialists are good in their field. But you need to understand that at this stage in the development of medicine, diabetes is treated only with insulin.

Visiting some specialists who are not versed in endocrinology and often don’t even know the mechanism of diabetes (and suggest they don’t take insulin for the duration of treatment), a person may stop monitoring sugar and administering insulin injections. This can lead to disastrous results in the form of high sugars, complications, situations that are simply dangerous to health. Currently, herbs, massages, homeopathy, although useful for the overall strengthening of the body, cannot fully replace the injected insulin. Unfortunately, this is the fact.

How can you help your partner

Give time to yourself and your mate. This stage is the last one before the onset of full acceptance and reconciliation with the disease. It is important to support your loved one and take care of him. What could be the support and care?

  •  You can communicate, talk, discuss what is happening, show your love, make it clear that you are together.
  • You can visit doctors and specialists together if required. Be vigilant. Indeed, at this point you have already learned a lot of reliable and up-to-date information about diabetes.
  • You can offer information about diabetes, not edifyingly, but gently and tolerantly.
  • It is important to be near. Hug. Create pleasant moments for you two.

At each stage of accepting the disease, it is useful to consult a psychologist specializing in the psychological problems of people with diabetes. It helps to survive difficult times faster and with less loss. And also, to establish relations if they suffered during periods of irritation, fatigue, struggle and shock.

Remember that your relationship is the most important thing! And to protect them is most important.