Spices for Diabetes

Useful spices | Benefits of cinnamon | Harmful spices | How to store spices

Unfortunately, diabetes mellitus cannot be counted among those diseases that pass without any complications, which is why the dietary style of many diabetics is very poor. However, almost every person suffering from high blood sugar levels sometimes has a strong desire to try, finally, something new, or at worst to diversify their current menu. And here a completely logical question arises — is it possible to eat spices with diabetes?

Spices are different, they play a different role in taste, and therefore can be both negative and positive factors in the treatment of diabetes of almost any type.

However, it is worth remembering that even permitted foods should be consumed in moderation, otherwise obesity is inevitable — and this leads to even more serious consequences.

Many spices have the property of the best antioxidants, which prevents the onset of many diseases and unpleasant syndromes. And in the body, they still serve as a protection against inflammation of various kinds for a long time.

Useful spices

Some examples of useful spices include:

  • Ginger — improves the functioning of the stomach, liver, and lungs. Removes toothache and lowers body temperature.
  • Cardamom — soothes the nervous system, relieves headaches, and improves digestion.
  • Clove — improves brain function, increases potency, and fights colds.
  • Saffron — has very strong antipyretic properties.
  • Bay leaf — fights sclerosis, bloating and effectively narrows blood vessels.
  • Black pepper — enhances digestion

Benefits of cinnamon for diabetes

Immunity can be maintained at a decent level of work precisely thanks to the spices for diabetes — which is only cinnamon, which contains special compounds called salicylates. These are very useful and necessary compounds for the body, which also play the role of a strong catalyst for accelerating metabolism. Thus, most dishes will not linger in the stomach for a long time, thus avoiding prolonged absorption of sugar.

Cinnamon also contains phenols, which can lower blood sugar levels. In the article How to quickly lower blood sugar, you will find a way to reduce sugar quickly using cinnamon.

Harmful spices for diabetes

Diabetics should avoid using chamomile, motherwort and horsetail, as they have a diuretic effect.

How to store spices correctly

Another important tip is to substitute spices for salt when cooking. After all, we know how harmful table salt is in diabetes.

Before making abundant use of certain spices, it is imperative to consult a doctor who can authorize their intake after all the necessary tests.

After all, the body may develop a palpable allergy to certain types of spices and herbs, so it is worthwhile to provide yourself with additional protective measures in advance.