Special Shoes for Diabetics

A case study of parents who suffered from this disease, the brothers and the 74-year-old Jaffa Golan (the author of the development) herself, who have to do insulin injections every day.

Due to diabetes, Jaffa developed severe swelling of the legs, accompanied by severe itching. She tried everything, spent a lot of money on the most modern means, but the result was zero: it became more and more difficult to walk day by day. And then, quite by accident, one of the employees of the company in which Jaffa worked proposed adding something to shoes to improve.

Inspired by the result, Jaffa Golan developed a prototype, and then patented her invention — shoes for vibrating massage, which not only stimulates blood circulation, but at the same time carries out reflexology, acting on points that, according to Chinese medicine, are responsible for healing diabetes.

Clinical trials conducted by Prof. Eliezer Kleinmang have confirmed the healing effect of the massage shoes.

Of course, this is not a panacea, but a very effective adjuvant that improves the quality of life of patients suffering from diabetes mellitus and blood vessel diseases.

When the newly minted inventor arrived at the patent office to talk about her idea, she was sure that something similar already existed, but to her surprise, with all the abundance of various kinds of vibration massage systems, such a simple idea had never occurred to anyone. Well, in the analogy of history, this is not the only case when discoveries were made absolutely by chance by people who were very far from science.

To date, the development has already received permission for sale from the Israeli Ministry of Health and the Council of Europe. With over 400 million people currently suffering from diabetes in the world, it’s not hard to imagine the scale of sales of such shoes.