Skin Care for Hands and Feet with Diabetes

For the beauty of hands | For the beauty of feet | How to heal wounds | Conclusion

For the beauty of hands

Hands, like the  face, betray our age and health. They have to “endure” temperature changes, soap, water, various detergents and synthetic agents, ultraviolet light.

Plus, let’s add dryness from diabetes here, and we will get an urgent need for repeated use of moisturizing cosmetics throughout the day.

They will moisturize our hands, maintaining their beauty and health, as well as save nails from excessive fragility.

For the beauty of feet

For people with diabetes, foot care is almost a priority. Feet is easy to rub, hurt, not notice the beginning of the fungus. In combination with each other in diabetes, it is an “explosive mixture”.

Therefore, it is necessary to take as a rule daily foot care. It includes three main points:

  • wash my legs using special products;
  • we examine the feet for wounds and cracks;
  • we wear only correct, comfortable shoes.

How to heal small wounds and cracks

We have already said many times that the appearance of various wounds on the skin is very dangerous in diabetes. But what if they did appear? How are they treated?

First, it is necessary to disinfect and lubricate any wounds or traces of injections with special antibacterial agents.

But be careful here, because not all antiseptics are suitable for diabetes!

You can not use iodine, brilliant green and potassium permanganate widely used by the people.

These remedies, although good, burn the skin. Therefore, be careful — do not intentionally harm your health.

There are many alternative budget funds. These are chlorhexidine, dioxidine, and furacilin.

Second, apply a gauze bandage.

If the wound is uncomfortable, then seek help from a doctor.

In conclusion

For proper skin care with diabetes, you need to have in your arsenal, in addition to emollients and moisturizers and creams, also  include antibacterial agent.

Drink more water to hydrate your skin from the inside out. Precisely water!

Shower and bathe only in warm water because hot water dries out your skin.

Vitamins A, C and E are necessary for the skin, therefore it is necessary to take them in courses on an ongoing basis.

Well-groomed skin is the main indicator of beauty and health!