Proper Nutrition for Diabetics

Being overweight has been, is and will be the main human problem at all times. This is especially true for people who suffer from a medical condition such as diabetes. World statistics show an ever-growing number of people who suffer from such a disease as obesity. At the moment, in the world, this percentage ranges from 9% to 30%. And this is only a mature population, not to mention children, whose parents cannot pay attention to their beloved child, and then the child suffers from the problem of excess weight for the rest of his life. And where there is obesity, there is always a place for diabetes.

Let’s take a look at the causal relationship between obesity and diabetes. What could have caused obesity? Of course, such a consequence can be cause by food that was consumed without discernment and in excessive quantities. Obesity is followed by a whole armada of illnesses such as diabetes, heart failure, curvature of the spine and more. But one should also not deny the psychological side, which is also a big part of the equation. Thus, obesity creates not only physical discomfort, but also psychological, which can ultimately destroy a person. Naturally, a person in his right mind will want to correct his mistake of the past as soon as possible and put his body constitution in order. And we will try to help you with this!

The very process of curing a disease such as diabetes is built on regular and strict diets, but this cannot be called an ideal panacea, but very often it helps to cure this annoying ailment.

The very process of curing a disease such as diabetes is built on regular and strict diets.

With the right diet you can defeat mild diabetes. With regard to diabetes of moderate and complicated severity, then proper nutrition should be mandatory during the course of treatment. I would like to note that you should not take the diet as a medicine, this is primarily a concern not only about your health, but also about your body, and this is no less important than health.

Probably every educated person asks himself the question, why in the last century did people not suffer from obesity? The answer is simple, in the last century, the daily calorie intake of food was only 20-25% of fatty foods. What are we seeing today? Due to fatty foods, the percentage of calories has increased and today it is 40-60%! This is despite the fact that the rate of fatty foods in calories should not exceed 30%.

Fats and carbohydrates

First, let’s dive a little bit into the chemical structure of our food. Indeed, many people still do not know that each product contains such components as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and trace elements.

Carbohydrates are considered the main source of energy. Nutritionists recommend adding foods that have a low glycemic index (good carbohydrates) to the diet. Due to their slow absorption, blood sugar levels remain normal. All carbohydrates are in the form of sugar, but they differ in size and nutritional value.

Refined or processed foods (cookies, candy, soft drinks, etc.) contain a common sugar called sucrose. These foods are high in calories, but not nutritious. If you consume too much of these foods, the body will not be able to process them and turn them into fats. Complex carbohydrates are composed of sugar chains. In plant foods, these chains form starch. When the body digests such a chain, complex carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugar. I would like to note that very often foods with a folded chain of carbohydrates contain minerals, vitamins, and some of them proteins.


Studies have shown that a patient with diabetes is not recommended to consume large amounts of fat as food. However, this rule applies exclusively to animal fats; vegetable fats, on the contrary, are recommended to be included in the diet. We do not recommend using food supplements, especially those containing fish oil. It is best to eat salmon, mackerel 2 times a week. Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce the risk of heart disease. But I would like to remind you that if you are overweight, then limit yourself from any fat intake. Remember, your weight = your height.


Each of us consumes more protein than necessary. According to nutritionists, all foods that contain protein should fit on 1/5 of our plate. They also recommend eating 5 fruits or vegetables a day, as they are packed with healthy vitamins and fiber.