Omega-3 for Diabetes

Composition | Benefits | How to take | Contraindications

Fish oil is a natural remedy that restores the functioning of the pancreas. It has long been used to treat different diseases, including diabetes. Fish oil can significantly improve the condition of patients with diabetes while observing the treatment regimen.


The calorie content of fish oil per 100 grams is 902 kcal. The glycemic index is 0. The product contains 0 proteins and carbohydrates, and fats 100 g per 100 g.

Produced from cod liver. It contains enough polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6, vitamin D and A. There are no trans fats that contribute to coronary insufficiency, an increase in bad cholesterol.

The composition of fish oil contains antioxidants.


It is considered an excellent tool for the prevention of diabetes. It is useful to use fish oil to improve metabolism and cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol plaques.


  • Protects cells from pathogenic effects and free radicals. It does not allow the development of infectious and inflammatory processes.
  • Protects against rickets and helps calcium to be absorbed better due to its sufficient vitamin D.
  • Promotes vasodilation, reducing the risk of blood clots.
  • Regulates metabolic processes and accelerates the healing of skin.
  • It is an excellent source of energy for the body and strengthens the immune system.

Taking fish oil with type 1 diabetes should be done with extreme caution. Fish oil lowers insulin levels slightly. May lead to a decrease in blood sugar concentration – hypoglycemia.

With type 2 diabetes, they are taken to improve well-being, protect the body from the effects of harmful cholesterol. With this endocrine disease, the pancreas does not fully perform its functions.

Fish oil for diabetes is necessary to restore the health of this body. It normalizes insulin production and increases the amount of hormone produced.

Type 2 diabetes is often accompanied by obesity, fish oil helps to reduce weight and prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.

In type 1 diabetes, it is used solely to prevent complications. Fish oil has a positive effect on vision, prevents the development of retinopathy and vascular lesions. The effect on fat metabolism is negligible.

How to take

Fish oil comes in two forms: capsules and liquid form. Dosage may vary depending on the form of release.

How to take in capsules:

  • Adults take 1-2 capsules three times a day. Drink a glass of warm liquid. You can’t drink hot liquid as the capsule will lose its therapeutic properties. Do not chew.
  • Teenagers 1 capsule per day.
  • The course of treatment lasts 1 month. Then take a break of 2-3 months and repeat.

Not everyone will be able to take fish oil in liquid form. Fish oil has a specific taste, in some it simply causes disgust, in others it causes vomiting.

In liquid form, it can be given to children from 4 years old with diabetes. Start with 3 drops, gradually increasing the dosage to 1 tsp. per day. At 2 years give 2 tsp. per day, from 3 years old – 1 dessert spoon, from 7 years old and adults – 1 tbsp. l 3 times a day. It is recommended to take with food, so it will be easier for patients to drink the medicine. 3 courses of 1 month are carried out per year. Do not drink on an empty stomach, there is a high probability of digestive upset.


When taking fish oil, do not ignore contraindications. Using drugs in prohibited cases can seriously damage your health.

Drinking fish oil is contraindicated in case of an allergic reaction. Learn about it after the first application. Allergies are manifested by rash, urticaria, itching, Quincke’s edema and anaphylactic shock. Each patient reacts differently to the drug, so you should carefully monitor the side effects after the first use.

It is contraindicated to drink with:

  • inflammation of the pancreas,
  • cholecystitis (inflammation of the walls of the gallbladder),
  • high blood cholesterol
  • high calcium levels
  • active form of tuberculosis,
  • high levels of vitamin D,
  • hyperthyroidism
  • gallstone disease
  • pregnancy and lactation
  • sarcoidosis
  • granulomatosis.

With caution, it is necessary to take fish oil for atherosclerosis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and heart failure. With hypotension it should not be used, since it lowers blood pressure.

Fish oil can cause serious side effects!

It should also be borne in mind that fish oil disrupts the absorption of vitamin E. With prolonged use, it can provoke a lack of this component. Therefore, it is additionally recommended to take vitamin E.

You cannot abuse fish oil. Despite the benefits of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, it can cause serious side effects, one of which is nosebleed or worsening during menstruation. Therefore, it is not recommended to take with diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs. In particular with hemophilia and von Willebrand disease.