Is the “Diabetes is a Way of Life” Psychology Useful?

Why the Diabetes Trainer Concept Is Good | The Illusion of Fearlessness | Pessimism of doctors | Marketing Gloss | What is the result

Hello, friends. Let’s discuss the common phrase, “Diabetes is not a disease, but a way of life.” Pros and cons of the concept, which psychologists and marketers so eagerly promote.

What do you think? Personally, I do not completely agree with this ideology, but let’s discuss it in this article.

Why the Diabetes Trainer Concept Is Good

At the first stage after diagnosis, this is a pretty good move. There is no need to get hung up on the grim concept of the disease, a number of inconveniences and limitations, the risk of serious complications! With good control and organization, you can live a long life while maintaining good health. A comparison with sports mode is appropriate here. You live on a certain schedule, compensating for the lack of insulin injections.

With type two diabetes it is more difficult. Diabetes is usually detected by some kind of concomitant disease, and the patient has latent experience without compensation. On the other hand, with the second type, a rollback and a reduction in the doses of the drugs taken are possible. It will take a lot of effort, but there is a chance.

In conditions of incredible psychological severity of diagnosis, positivism is more than welcome. People that were recently diagnosed diabetes and parents of children with diabetes come to this concept, as salvation, after the depressive aura of medical institutions. It is difficult to find a good medical specialist who will not only select therapy and help with primary education, but also conduct psychological work. If you have such a doctor, I can only congratulate you. More often, newcomers find bloggers, communities and diabetic groups to unload and share experiences.

Incidentally, the development of the diabetic topic has greatly changed over the last five years. Now, typing the word diabetes in a search engine, you will see images of insulin, smiling blood glucose meters and test strips. But just a few years ago, these were pretty creepy photos of complications. This proves once again that the work on disseminating competent information and a positive approach helps to change the concept of diabetes not only among patients, but also among search engines, the main sources of information for everyone.

The concept of diabetes trainer allows us to break the stereotype that this diagnosis invariably dooms us to something terrible.

Pitfalls of Idea: The Illusion of Fearlessness

On the other hand, positivism gives rise to the illusion of fearlessness. Of course, a diabetic who has experienced an episode of hypoglycemia will not be careless. Severe hypoglycemia often becomes for many a magical switch of consciousness. I am glad that no one needs such a “remedy”. Better never to face this nightmare.

Yes, unfortunately, positive perception not only helps to cope with stress. We must remember that the quality and length of life depends on how seriously everyone will control their diabetes. Do not scold me for such unpleasant words. It is necessary to accept this fact.

Pitfalls of ideas: pessimism of doctors

Separately, I want to note that it is not worth so much to blame doctors for a gloomy view of things. They are specific people. If there are no doctors in your environment, then it will be difficult for you to understand how black their humor can be and how vulnerable they themselves can be. Hundreds and thousands of patients with their problems and needs go through doctors. They meet with many difficult cases, and also know the whole background of the issue. After all, some rudeness is their defensive reaction. But doctors also support the improvement of the quality of medicine. Still, this is a matter of life! Everywhere there are exceptions.

Pitfalls of Idea: Marketing Gloss

The phrase “diabetes is a way of life” has been used successfully in marketing and advertising. Not that it’s bad. Just such a policy leads to the fact that we are gradually going to the other extreme. Analyze known diabetes publications and information from the official websites of many companies. You rarely encounter hot topics. For example, the question of the cost of diabetes, because only a lot of money is spent on daily sugar checks.

Most sources of information began to paint a portrait of a diabetic in the form of a marathoner with good health and the ability to use all the newfangled gadgets. Only now the problems have not gone anywhere. We still have interruptions in the supply of insulin, difficulties in buying supplies and an absolute lack of understanding of diabetes among society.

What is the result?

Treating diabetes as a lifestyle is a good concept. It makes us think about personal responsibility for health. It helps to cope with the psychological burden. If this concept is rooted in the minds of society, we can forget about the problems of employment in diabetes or discrimination of children in the sports field, etc.

On the other hand, it’s more than just repeating phrases about diabetes, a trainer and lifestyle on the Days of the Fight against diabetes. This concept should be worked out at the state level, and not serve as a marketing slogan. And the approach to the state. providing SHOULD NOT be when a diabetic “earns” complications to become disabled. Many countries have already realized that it is cheaper to provide people with innovative compensation devices in order to prevent shattering health and the formation of ever-new lists of citizens in need of disability benefits.

Are we ready to accept this concept? I’m afraid opinions will be shared. Those who say that diabetes is a way of life are right. But those who believe that diabetes is a disease are also right, they do not choose it as a way of life, and it must be reckoned with.

Be that as it may, we all agree on one thing: diabetes is not an obstacle to a fulfilling life and accomplishments. The main thing is to make an effort.