Insulin In Diabetes: its Types and Administration Technique

Types of insulin | Injection technique | Conclusion

Types of insulin

The only and main treatment for type 1 diabetes mellitus is subcutaneous injections of insulin. The dose is selected by the endocrinologist on an individual basis and depends on the degree of compensation for carbohydrate metabolism.

The creation of insulin for diabetics has revolutionized medicine. The duration and quality of life of patients with this disease has improved significantly.

Currently, there are more than 40 types of this hormone.

Insulin can be of animal origin or genetically engineered. They are also distinguished by the time of action on the body:

  • Short acting;
  • medium;
  • long lasting.

Ultra-short-acting insulin (Humalog, Novorapid) works immediately after subcutaneous injection. And after 1 hour, its maximum concentration occurs. And after 2-3 hours, its effect ends.

Short — (Actrapid, Humulin) lasts for 6 hours. The drug reaches its peak in 2-3 hours after subcutaneous administration. It must be administered 20 minutes before meals.

Long-acting medicine (Lantus) “works” for 12 hours. And it is usually put in the morning and evening at the same time.

Injection technique

The well-being of a diabetic directly depends on how correct the injection technique is. How to properly administer the hormone is shown in diabetes school. Injections must be subcutaneous, not intramuscular. This can lead to soreness, swelling, and hormone disruption.

How to inject the medicine? The hormone can be injected with both syringe pens and insulin syringes.

Where to inject the medicine? The places for injection are most often the following parts of the body: thigh, abdomen, buttocks. It is possible to inject the hormone into the shoulder.

The injection sites must be changed to avoid lipodystrophy — thickening or reduction of adipose tissue at the injection site.


Insulin plays a very important role in the human body. And if for type 1 diabetes its introduction is inevitable, then for people with type 2 it can be prevented by weight loss and diet. Be healthy!