How to Recognize Diabetes

Risk factors | Consequences after viral pathologies | How to Recognize Diabetes? | The first type is insulin-dependent | The second type of diabetes is non-insulin-dependent

Recognizing different types of diabetes

Many are interested in the question of how to determine diabetes, since there are cases of drying out in the oral cavity after stress. It is sometimes not at all difficult to identify pathology. How to Recognize Diabetes? First of all, there are clear signs indicating a person’s illness. Also, checking the amount of glucose in the circulatory system is carried out at home and in the laboratory.

Risk factors

This disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Diabetes mellitus instantly acquires a chronic course, cannot be cured.

There are a number of factors that affect the development of sugar disease.

  • Consequences after viral pathologies.
  • Heredity in the presence of endocrine pathology in relatives.
  • The presence of obesity, especially at the last stage.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Atherosclerosis of the vessels, narrowing and clogging in the pancreas.
  • Stress.
  • High blood pressure without therapy.
  • The use of individual drugs.
  • Change in fat metabolism.
  • Increased sugar when carrying a child, the birth of a baby more than 10 lbs. (4.5 kg)
  • Chronic addiction to alcohol, drugs.
  • Changing the table when there is more fat in the menu, difficult to digest carbohydrates that contain fiber and natural fibers.

Women are more likely to develop the disease than men. This is due to the fact that the male body is more endowed with testosterone, which positively affects sugar performance. In addition, statistics show that most females consume more sugar, carbohydrates that increase glucose.

It is important to analyze all risk factors, and so that the disease does not occur, the lifestyle, attitude to health, nutrition is revised, bad habits should be avoided.


How can one recognize diabetes?

To discern whether there is diabetes, you need to listen to your body, and also know what signs develop with this disease, so that you do not miss them.

Types of diabetes

There are several types of diabetes:

  • gestational;
  • neonatal;
  • type one;
  • type twp.

How can you determine the type of diabetes? A gestational form of diabetes develops when a child is born. When, during pregnancy, a woman’s body does not produce enough insulin due to hormonal changes, this leads to an increase in glucose. Often this moment is recorded during the 2nd trimester and disappears after the birth of the baby.

The neonatal form is rare, due to a change in the genetic course, affecting the sugar productivity procedure.


The first type is insulin-dependent. The immunity of a diabetic proceeds to destroy the cells of the pancreas. All glucose draws cellular water into the bloodstream, and dehydration occurs. Without treatment, the patient can slip into a coma that often leads to death.


The second type of diabetes is non-insulin-dependent. How to identify type 2 diabetes:

  • The patient has a decrease in the sensitivity of receptors to sugar, with its normal production.
  • After some time, the hormone’s performance and energy indicator decrease.
  • The synthesis of protein changes, there is an increase in the oxidation of fats.
  • Ketone bodies accumulate in the bloodstream.