How to Protect a Diabetic’s Feet

With diabetes, not only the pancreas suffers, this disease affects other organs as well. The fact is that diabetes provokes complications in the human body, and this is especially true for the vascular system.

One of the vulnerable spots of such a patient is the vessels of the legs. With this disease, any cuts and wounds are dangerous, since due to the changes that occur in the vessels, there is a risk that these wounds cannot heal on their own and a trophic ulcer will occur. This is a dangerous condition, since if large vessels are captured, gangrene can form — it mainly begins on one of the toes. Another danger lies in the fact that the diabetic does not feel pain, since the sensitivity is lowered, and he may not even suspect the occurrence of an ulcer.

The danger lies in the fact that the diabetic does not feel pain

Anyone who suffers from diabetes must adhere to the rules of prevention in order to avoid the appearance of ulcers.

There is nothing complicated about this:

  • do not wear tight shoes that rub and constrict;
  • do not smoke, as this makes blood circulation in the legs worse;
  • avoid walking without shoes to avoid accidental injury;
  • if a corn appears, then it cannot be cut off and use of corn plasters;
  • if a wound occurs, treat it with hydrogen peroxide. A solution of iodine and brilliant green cannot be used;
  • make it a rule to examine your feet every night, paying close attention to your toes, the spaces between them, and the heel.
  • a doctor should examine your legs twice a year.

Diabetic’s feet must be examined daily

If a trophic ulcer has already arisen, it will be difficult to get rid of it. In addition, it can form not only in a diabetic, those people who have thrombophlebitis are susceptible to this. Most often, ulcers occur in the lower leg. The leg swells, pains appear, and they become stronger from physical exertion and long walking.

Treatment of a trophic ulcer is primarily to eliminate the disease that triggered the ulcer. Medicines are taken as general strengthening and local action. However, if conservative therapy does not give results, then the operation cannot be postponed. If you trust traditional medicine, remember that you are risking your health. Therefore, all appointments should be made by your attending physician.