How Diabetes Can Manifest

Diabetes in adult | Diabetes in children and adolescents | What to do

Diabetes in adult

How does diabetes manifest in women? It can be itching of the genitals, and a long course of “thrush”.

Women can be treated for polycystic ovary disease and infertility for a long time. Also, a woman with diabetes may have a miscarriage in early pregnancy. In addition, excessive facial and body hair growth may occur.

For men, the symptoms of diabetes development can be: decreased performance, the appearance of itching in the genital area, tooth decay and baldness, as well as the development of impotence.

Diabetes in children and adolescents

In children and adolescents, the disease develops very quickly, even rapidly, in just a few weeks. To determine the ailment, parents need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • your child wants to drink alot, especially in the evening;
  • the child eats a lot and at the same time loses weight;
  • after eating, he becomes lethargic, passive, he tends to sleep;
  • the child has bedwetting, while the urine is sticky, and “starch” spots remain on the linen;
  • there is dry skin and various pustular inflammations on the child’s body.

Urgently go to the clinic and explain your assumption to the doctor so that he can provide timely assistance to your child.

What to do if you see symptoms

If you find the first symptoms of diabetes in yourself or your child, then do not postpone a visit to the doctor.

The sooner the diagnosis is made, the longer you can avoid various complications.

Your doctor will order a series of tests for you. This is a blood test for sugar, urine for sugar and acetone, as well as the level of glycated hemoglobin.

If the results of the examination confirm the presence of this disease, the doctor will select an adequate treatment for you based on what type of diabetes will be identified. This can be insulin therapy and pills.

By itself, diabetes mellitus does not pose a threat to human life, its manifestations and consequences are dangerous.

To prevent the negative aspects of the disease, do not postpone your health until later. After all, this is the most valuable thing we have!

That’s all for me. Take good care of your health and the health of your loved ones!