How Carbs Affect Diabetes

The danger of carbohydrates is how much sugar is in our usual foods. I’m sure you didn’t even know it.

For many years, nutritionists have recommended that people eat as little fat as possible, although, as it turned out, carbohydrates can be just as dangerous. Special tables allow you to see how much sugar is in common foods. This will help the body to “fight” every day.

Even bread, which has been considered a staple food for tens of millennia, contains a lot of sugar. If you eat bread three times a day, which, in fact, do most people, as well as eat a lot of fruits and processed foods, the body is exposed to serious stress, since it is not easy for it to cope with such an abundance of sugar, and gradually it begins to accumulate it in the form of fat …

When purchasing prepackaged and labeled foods, you can easily read on the packaging how many carbohydrates they contain.

In this case, one should pay attention to portions and ratios. For example, if it is indicated that 100 ml of milk contains 5 g of carbohydrates, then in a standard glass 200 ml of milk. Use the tables below to calculate the amount of carbohydrates in unlabeled foods.

Sugar — in everyday products

In the tables, you can see how much sugar we consume daily when choosing certain foods. As it turns out, even a small amount of lettuce can contain the maximum daily sugar requirement for consumption.

How many spoons of sugar do you quietly eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Count for yourself:

FoodServing SizeWeightAmount of Sugar in Teaspoons  
Breadhunk30 g3
Boiled rice1 cup100 g6
Boiled pasta1 cup100 g5
Boiled quinoa1 glass100 g3
Corn0.5 cob120 g3
Peas1 cup1 cup2
Hummus (paste)3 tablespoons150 g3
Oatmeal3 tablespoons30 g3

Carbohydrates should be limited

If a person is diagnosed with diabetes, or problems with blood sugar are found, you should definitely pay attention to the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. One option is the ketone diet, which is particularly recommended for diabetes. It is based on the consumption of meat, poultry, fish and eggs with the addition of healthy fats — mainly olive and coconut oils. In this case, one must not eat bread, cereals, fruits and sweets.

The ketone diet is particularly recommended for diabetes

The diet should contain vegetables, you can also add berries, dark chocolate, avocados, olives, sesame paste, sour cream and butter, but in small quantities.

In fact, cardiovascular ailments, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and other ailments of our century are united by high insulin levels. Its growth can be triggered, among other things, by stress and lack of sleep, but the main reason is still excess carbohydrates, which are broken down in the body into glucose, lactose and fructose, that is, into sugar molecules.

It is important to remember that carbohydrates are found even in lemons and cucumbers.

It is worth knowing that fructose gives the usual sweet taste to products, which is plentiful in honey, brown and white sugar and, of course, in fruits. The carbohydrates found in bread and pasta are broken down into glucose, and they are certainly not sweet. So, it turns out that people who eat a lot of bread do not even suspect that, in fact, they absorb sugar with spoons.