Hair Removal and Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by a deficiency in the formation of insulin, as a result of which the level of glucose in the blood rises. Patients with diabetes suffer from thirst attacks, increased appetite, dizziness, and most importantly, in patients with diabetes, wounds heal very slowly. Here we will answer the question of whether it is possible for diabetics to do hair removal with such symptoms.

Insulin deficiency provokes the development of pustular diseases of the skin in patients with diabetes mellitus. If the patient already has disorders of the skin, then depilation in diabetes is strictly contraindicated. It is important to understand that hair removal partially violates the integrity of the skin. And if for a healthy person these issues are insignificant, then for those suffering from diabetes this can be the cause that provoked the formation of pustules.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE! A symptom of diabetes is poor tissue healing. This means any damage to the skin can develop into a purulent wound. Since the vessels in diabetes are very weak, it is very easy for patients to put a bruise, which will not dissipate for a long time.

Very often with diabetes, people suffer from hyperhidrosis, increased sweating. Therefore, even if the disease proceeds at the initial stage and this is the case when diabetics can be depilated, sugaring can still cause difficulties. The fact is that sugar paste will absorb sweat and cling hair badly.

Diabetes mellitus is a serious disease. Even if it proceeds in the initial stage, you need to be very serious about the health of your body. Be sure to consult your endocrinologist if it is possible to carry out the procedure in your case.


  • Mild diabetes

The initial development of the disease, in which there are no complications. In this case, the condition of the patients is maintained by following a diet and taking medications. Depilation with mild diabetes mellitus is possible.

  • Moderate diabetes.

Moderate diabetes is characterized by impaired blood vessels, vision, and kidneys, in which you cannot stress your body. Therefore, with moderate diabetes mellitus, you must be very careful during the procedure and keep calm.

  • Severe diabetes.

Severe diabetes is characterized by a sharp decrease in vision, numbness of the extremities, impaired renal function, and hypertension. We categorically do not recommend hair removal for diabetes mellitus of severe diabetes.

  • Critical diabetes mellitus.

This is the most difficult stage of the disease, in which diabetic ulcers, renal failure, and pustular skin disorders are diagnosed with gangrene. It is not surprising that hair removal is contraindicated.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE! Before hair removal, any professional esthetician will look at your condition, find out if there are any contraindications to the procedure and, if any, will not undergo hair removal. If this did not happen, then you came across an unscrupulous and unskilled depilation specialist who can cause serious damage to your health.

As we said earlier, with mild and moderate diabetes, diabetics can get hair removal and sugaring. If your endocrinologist has authorized you to carry out procedures, the doors of our studio are always open for you! Qualified estheticians at ANNAZUR spa have tremendous experience and are always very attentive to the health of their clients. We will never risk it and carry out the procedure if there are contraindications to it. In the same case, if the procedure is allowed, we will conduct it as safely, quickly and carefully as possible.