Gymnastics for Diabetes

Benefits of morning exercise | Basic exercises | Exercise guidelines for diabetes

To start your day with energy and charge the body with energy and health, you need morning exercises. Yes, this is a very healthy habit that can “postpone” the complications of diabetes. A few simple exercises in the morning won’t take long but will do a lot of good. In addition, it will fill the body with vivacity, give confidence and strength. But how the morning begins, so will the whole day! In this article, we’ll take a look at morning exercises for diabetes.

What does morning exercise give?

When we have already woken up, our body is still in a state of sleep for some time. Blood circulation is reduced, the lungs are narrowed, the nervous system is inhibited. And in order to “turn on” the body in the work activity, morning exercises are needed.

  • First, it helps to wake up faster, improves blood circulation, improves tone, and gives a feeling of lightness.
  • Secondly, it has a fruitful effect on the work of internal organs, on the cardiovascular system. Strengthens the immune system.
  • And, thirdly, it normalizes the functioning of the nervous and respiratory systems. Thus, morning exercises, along with diet therapy and taking antihyperglycemic drugs, “inhibits” the development of complications of the disease.

Morning exercises are simple and enjoyable exercises. In response to them, the brain begins to produce hormones of happiness and joy. The day begins with a great mood, adversity fades into the background.

With the help of stretching, digestion processes are “started”, and metabolism is improved. And also, excess body fat is burned, and muscles are strengthened.

Basic exercises

After you wake up, in order to completely move away from the state of sleep, you do not have to abruptly “jump” out of bed. Lie down, stretch, sit on the bed. Then you can drink a glass of plain pure water, adding a couple of drops of lemon juice to it. Complete all the necessary morning routines and exercise. Yes, don’t forget to measure your blood sugar.

Morning exercises should include simple exercises such as:

  • head turns in different directions;
  • swinging arms and legs;
  • shoulder rotation;
  • torso tilts.

Qigong exercises — ancient Chinese gymnastics are perfect for morning exercises.

Before choosing specific exercises, it is better to consult with an endocrinologist.

Because some of them have contraindications.

You can start your morning exercise by tilting your head. Slowly, without haste, we make bends forward and backward. Then left and right. When tilting, hold the head at each point for several seconds. For example, bending forward — we count to three and gradually raise our head to the starting position. Tilt back — we count to three and again raise to the starting position. This exercise helps in getting oxygen to the brain. Serves as the prevention of cervical osteochondrosis. The exercise is repeated four times.

Then, stretching. To perform this exercise, you need to stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart. We clasp our hands into the lock, turning our palms outward from ourselves. And slowly raise our hands above our heads. We stretch our whole body to the ceiling, as if we were growing. Keep your back straight, do not bend. The exercise is performed for 3 seconds 4 times.

The next exercise is circular shoulder rotations. Feet shoulder width apart. We put our hands on the shoulders. Slowly perform circular rotations with the shoulders forward, then back. We also repeat 4 times.

We pass to the tilts of the body to the left and right. Feet shoulder width apart. The back is straight. The left hand is on the belt, the right hand is down. One, two, three — tilt to the right. We change hands and bend to the left. We also repeat this exercise 4 times. Everything is individual, if you want — do more!

An excellent knee exercise is circular knee movements to the left and right. It can be done while standing, but it can also be done while sitting on the edge of a chair. Legs together, knees slightly bent. Hands are on your knees. Slightly squatting, we perform circular movements to the right, then to the left. The number of repetitions is 4. This exercise has contraindications, such as varicose veins.

Before choosing the ideal set of morning exercises for yourself, consult with your doctor.

Moving on to the circular rotations of the ankle. Feet shoulder width apart. We put our right leg forward on the toe and make circular rotations to the left and right. We get up to the starting position. We do the same with the left leg. We also do this exercise 4 times.

And we finish the morning exercises by walking on the spot. The human foot has many sensitive points that are responsible for the work of internal organs. And in order to make them a light massage, you need to step on the spot, alternately focusing on the heels, toes and lateral parts of the foot. Perform the exercise for 30-50 seconds.

That’s all, our body has woken up, and we are ready to go to conquer the world with a smile on our face! This procedure can be supplemented with other exercises of your choice, the main thing is to follow a few rules. Do you exercise in the morning?

Exercise guidelines for diabetes

Morning exercises should be done at a calm pace, since it is necessary not only to lower blood sugar, but also to “wake up” our body.

You need to start exercising with simple exercises, gradually moving on to more complex ones.

Correct Breathing — Breathing should not only be with the chest, but also with the stomach.