Glycemic Index of Oatmeal and Porridge

With water or milk | Buckwheat | Oatmeal | Barley porridge | Millet porridge | Corn porridge | Wheat porridge | Barley porridge | Pea porridge | Conclusion

Did you know that in some countries, porridge was a sign of the prosperity of a family? Nutritionists recommend including 7 types of cereals for a balanced diet. This is especially important for people with health problems such as diabetes. Moreover, according to nutritionists, oatmeal with water is more useful for the body, as they are a good “whisk” for the digestive tract. In this article, we will look at water-based cereals and their glycemic index, which will bring more benefits.

With water or milk?

This issue is very controversial. And there is no definite answer to it. Most nutritionists say that oatmeal with water is healthier. The arguments for this are:

  • milk interferes with the absorption of nutrients contained in cereals;
  • oatmeal with water is low in calories and are ideal for maintaining weight;
  • “Water” oatmeal has a beneficial effect on the intestines and is useful for problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • great option for lactose intolerance.

Porridge cooked in milk also has its advantages:

  • unsurpassed aroma and excellent taste;
  • they are quite nutritious and quickly saturate the body;
  • the high content of milk fat promotes the absorption of vitamin A. That is why they must be included in the children’s diet.

If you are not allergic to milk and milk porridge tastes better, why boil them in water? And then, with diabetes, it is very important to follow a low-carb diet. But for this it is necessary to calculate the glycemic index of foods and their calorie content.

Cooking exclusively in water allows you to reduce the GI of cereals by 25-30 units.


Buckwheat is quite popular for its nutritional value and low-calorie content. It has a minimum GI (40 units) and is ideal for people with diabetes. One of the main advantages of buckwheat porridge is its environmental friendliness.

Because buckwheat is unpretentious and grows in all soils, without fear of pests and weeds. Thus, no fertilizers and chemicals are used in its cultivation.

Interestingly, buckwheat is classified as an herbaceous plant, and not a cereal plant, like all cereals. And sorrel is its closest relative. It comes from India, where it received the name “black rice”.

If regularly eat porridge, you can increase immunity, remove excess cholesterol, and normalize blood circulation.

Green buckwheat will bring more benefits to the body.


Oatmeal is made from oats that are processed in various ways. The coarser the grind, the healthier the porridge will be. Therefore, with diabetes, it is better to include oatmeal in your diet.

It is better to eat oatmeal on an empty stomach, in the morning. Due to its low-calorie content, only 88 kcal per 100 grams of product, it is popular as a breakfast. It is easily absorbed by the body and quickly satisfies the feeling of hunger.

Oatmeal contains a lot of nutrients:

  • vitamins E, A, B, K;
  • calcium — strengthening bones;
  • magnesium and potassium — support of nerves, heart, blood vessels, normalization of brain activity;
  • linoleic acid — prevents cancer, an excellent antioxidant;
  • lecithin — removes bad cholesterol;
  • fiber — contributes to the full functioning of the intestines.

Oatmeal made with water does not require much preparation. To do this, you need to take 1 part of rolled oats and 2 parts of water. Cook for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally over low heat. Do not forget to salt and season the porridge with pieces of fruit or berries.

Oatmeal cooked in water has a GI of only 40 units, while milk porridge — all 60! And if you decide to cook instant oatmeal flakes, then be prepared to increase the sugar — after all, its GI is 66 units.

Barley porridge

Barley is a product of barley grain grinding. Barley porridge was the basis of the diet of ancient people. This kind of porridge has a lot of useful properties. It is rich in potassium, protein and phosphorus. It contains fiber, which is essential for proper bowel function.

If pearl barley has a GI of 50 units, then the GI of pearl barley porridge on water is only 22 units.

The problem with “modern” barley porridge is that they have forgotten how to cook it. And it must be soaked before boiling for about 12 hours. And then, bringing to a boil, steam in a water bath or over low heat for another 3 hours. Modern housewives simply do not have enough time for such a long process.

Millet porridge

Another essential grain for a healthy diet is millet. It has a large amount of fiber due to its minimal processing.

The use of millet porridge lies in the ability to remove toxins, metal salts and in intensive bowel cleansing. Croup stimulates the cleansing of blood vessels, prevents the risk of atherosclerosis. But, it is not recommended for use with diabetes. Since cereals include polysaccharides, which are not processed by a weakened pancreas. GI of millet porridge on water — 50 units. The thicker the porridge, the higher the sugar content in it.

Corn porridge

Corn porridge has a unique property — it is very satisfying. It has a long period of absorption by the body, its carbohydrates are broken down for about 4 hours, providing a gradual supply of energy. Corn lowers cholesterol levels. Contains a large amount of potassium, magnesium, vitamins A, PP and E.

But for diabetics this is not the best option — the GI is 70 units!

Wheat porridge

Wheat porridge, despite a fairly high GI — up to 65 units, is able to lower glucose levels and improve the functioning of the digestive tract. On the basis of wheat, several varieties of grains are distinguished:

  • couscous;
  • spelled — a special type of wheat, large size, protected by a tough film. GI 40 units. Strengthens the body, lowers sugar, improves the functioning of blood vessels, heart, nervous system;
  • bulgur — steaming wheat grains, then drying in the sun, peeling and grinding. GI 45 units;

Barley porridge

The value of barley porridge with water lies in the rich composition of vitamins and minerals. Helps lower cholesterol levels, strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the central nervous system, and also lowers blood sugar. The GI of the product is about 40 units.

Pea porridge

Pea porridge is recommended for type 2 diabetes. It increases the absorption of insulin and has a low glycemic index of 35 units.


Cereals are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. They must be included in the diet of every person, and even more so for those suffering from diabetes. But with diabetes, not all cereals are suitable. For example, semolina, cooked even in water, is prohibited. Because it will instantly raise your sugar due to fast acting carbohydrates.

It is necessary to choose grains for cooking porridge taking into account the GI. The daily portion of porridge should be 100 — 150 grams.

Porridge will turn out to be really useful if you take into account several nuances when preparing it:

  • the less processing the better. Eat coarse grains.
  • rinse the cereal;
  • use with vegetable fat and water;
  • use tasty and healthy additives (nut, apple, fructose).