General Principles of Nutrition

What is diabetes mellitus | Nutrition for diabetes | General principles of nutrition

What is diabetes mellitus

This incurable disease is considered an extensive disease of the endocrine system, while provoking systemic complications in the body. The main goal of effective treatment is to control the blood glucose level by medication, and to timely normalize fat and carbohydrate metabolism. In the latter case, we are talking about proper nutrition, which, after a detailed diagnosis and a series of laboratory tests, is prescribed by the attending physician. A diabetic’s diet should become the norm in everyday life, as it promotes a full-fledged metabolism.

Nutrition for diabetes

Overweight patients are at risk, so it is important to timely control body weight and avoid obesity. If we are talking about the nutrition of an already diabetic patient, the portions should be small, but the number of meals should preferably be increased to 5 — 6. Having changed the daily diet, it is important to protect the vessels from destruction, while losing 10% of their real weight. The presence of vitamin-rich food ingredients on the menu is welcome, but you will have to forget about the excess use of salt and sugar. The patient will have to return to healthy eating.

General principles of nutrition

Progressive obesity in humans according to the abdominal type is corrected by nutritional therapy. When creating a daily diet, the doctor is guided by the patient’s age, gender, weight category and physical activity. With a question about nutrition, a diabetic must contact an endocrinologist, undergo a series of laboratory tests to determine the hormone levels and its disorders. Here is a memo from knowledgeable professionals:

  • Strict diets and hunger strikes are contraindicated, otherwise the blood sugar rate is uncontrolled.
  • The main measure of nutrition is the “bread unit”, and when compiling a daily ration, it is required to be guided by data from special tables for a diabetic.
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner should account for 75% of the daily ration, the remaining 25% are snacks during the day.
  • Preferred alternative products should correspond in calorie content
  • Stewing, baking, or boiling is an appropriate cooking method for diabetes mellitus.
  • It is important to avoid cooking with vegetable fats, to limit the total calorie content of food.
  • It is supposed to exclude the presence of sweet foods in the daily diet, otherwise, to achieve an acceptable glucose level, you will have to use antihyperglycemic drugs.