Early Signs of Diabetes

Frequent urination | How to get tested for diabetes | Detection of diabetes at home

How to recognize diabetes? There are obvious signs that will let you know, including:

  • Frequent urination.
  • Sudden increase or decrease in weight.
  • Constantly dry mouth.
  • Exhausting craving for food.
  • Mood swings.
  • The patient often catches a cold or viral infection
  • Nervousness.
  • Wounds and scratches do not heal quickly.
  • The body itches all the time.
  • Often there are abscesses, or sores of the mouth.

Of this list of signs, the most significant is the increased urination throughout the day. In addition, this includes body weight fluctuations.

Basically, evidence of diabetes is indicated by a constant desire to eat because of hunger. This is due to malnutrition by the cells, the body needs food. No matter how much a diabetic has eaten, there is still no feeling of fullness.


Diabetes Tests

How can one test for diabetes? Thanks to a number of studies, it is possible to calculate the present disease, its type, which is important for subsequent therapy and improving life.

How to get tested for diabetes.

A blood test for a sugar indicator – a value of 3.3-3.5 mmol / L is considered the norm. But testing on an empty stomach, is not enough. A sugar saturation test is also carried out 2 hours after a normal meal. The sugar ratio may not change, but there is a change in its absorption. This is the initial stage when the body still has reserves. Before undergoing the study, do not eat, do not take ascorbic acid, drugs that can affect the outcome. It is important to reduce mental and physical stress.

Analysis of urine for sugar and ketone bodies – normally these substances should not be in the urine. If glucose is increased over 8, then an increase in saturation in the urine is recorded. The kidneys do not excrete the excess sugar, so it stays in the urine. Excessive volume of insulin does not save cells that begin to break down fat cells in order to maintain their vital functions. When fat breaks down, toxins come out – ketone bodies that are expelled from the kidneys through urine.

A sugar susceptibility test is also carried out, the value of hemoglobin, insulin, C-peptide in the bloodstream is determined.


Detection of diabetes at home

How to determine diabetes at home? To test for diabetes, at home they use special devices that are sold in a pharmacy.

If the initial signs of the disease appear, it is recommended to do tests for the coefficient of sugar. When hyperglycemia is present, diabetes testing is necessary daily.

How to identify diabetes without tests at home.

Glucometer – this device comes with a lancet, to poke the finger. Due to special test strips, the glucose value is measured, and the result is displayed on the screen. It will take less than five minutes to detect sugar with a glucometer at home.

Complex A1C – will show the average value of insulin for 3 months.

Urine test strips – show if there is sugar in the urine. If it shows a positive result, then it is necessary to take a blood test.

It is important to understand that testing done at home is not always reliable. Therefore, having received the result, the diagnosis is not made, but reviewed in the laboratory.