Dry Wine for Type 2 Diabetes

Cannot be consumed | How to drink | Diabetic Uses | Contraindications | When is alcohol strictly forbidden | Conclusion

If you drink 50-100 ml every 3-4 days, the drink can be beneficial. Preference should be given only to quality wines.

Attention! A prerequisite – with type 2 diabetes mellitus, when drinking red wine, you need a good snack.

Cannot be consumed

As for prohibited drinks, this category includes:

  • Semisweet and dessert wines. Consuming such a drink can lead to hyperglycemia.
  • Liqueurs.
  • Beverages, the production of which uses a lot of flavorings.
  • Sweet sparkling wines (5-7% sugar).

Most often, even the use of 100-120 ml of the above products leads to a sharp deterioration in well-being.

How to drink

The glycemic index of red dry wine is 44, which means that a similar drink can be consumed with diabetes. But in order to prevent the occurrence of undesirable complications, it is necessary to remember and adhere to the following rules:

  • preference should be given to quality dry wines made from natural ingredients and with a minimum sugar content;
  • the lower the strength of the drink, the better;
  • the maximum allowable daily dose of dry wine for diabetes is 150 ml;
  • the drink is allowed to be consumed no more than once every 3 days;
  • before drinking wine, you need to eat lightly;
  • when drinking, insulin may need to be reduced, since alcohol can neutralize or, conversely, enhance their effect.

Of note! With type 2 diabetes, alcohol is strictly prohibited for patients who are prescribed Metformin.

Diabetic Uses

In type 2 diabetes, the daily dose of wine should not exceed 150 ml, but it is advisable to drink less than 120 ml. Before and after drinking alcohol, you need a good snack. If the concentration of sugar in the wine exceeds the norm, it is better to drink beer or any strong drink, depending on your preference. The rules of use should be observed.


It is worth refusing to consume wine and other booze if, in addition to diabetes, the patient has the following diseases:

  • renal failure;
  • lipid metabolism dysfunction;
  • pancreatitis
  • liver pathology;
  • neuropathy.

If the patient is diagnosed with diabetes and any of the above diseases, drinking wine is allowed only as an exception and in minimal doses (50-70 ml).

When is alcohol strictly forbidden

Although with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, doctors usually allow you to drink wine periodically, there are a number of concomitant diseases in which any alcohol is prohibited.

These include:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hepatitis – all types;
  • predisposition to a sharp decrease in sugar levels;
  • heart failure;
  • gout;
  • increased concentration of triglycerides.

Also, alcohol should not be consumed by pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding.


With insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetes, you can drink wine, but it is advisable to do this as little as possible and strictly observing the norm. It is better to drink dry red wines, for the production of which natural raw materials were used. At the same time, during and after drinking, it is necessary to monitor the level of sugar with a glucometer.