Dry Skin with Diabetes

How to deal with dry skin | Why diabetes causes dry skin | How to restore skin

How to deal with dry skin with diabetes

Dry palms, flaky skin on the elbows, deep cracks and corns on the heels … Probably every diabetic is familiar with these problems. At first glance, this is a cosmetic problem. So, to overcome it, it is enough to regularly use moisturizers. But this is only at first glance!

Why diabetes often causes dry skin

Generally speaking, skin problems occur when there is a lack of nutrients, moisture. But how can this be, because with diabetes you are especially careful about your diet?

Skin problems occur when there is a lack of nutrients.

Firstly, with diabetes, metabolic processes are disrupted, and nutrients are poorly absorbed. This applies to absorption in the intestine and directly the exchange of vitamins, minerals in tissues. As a result, despite the balanced diet, the body still does not receive micro and macro elements in the right amount. The first to suffer are skin, hair, and nails.

Secondly, with diabetes (especially decompensation, chronic), blood vessels are damaged. They become brittle and the walls thin out. Due to damage, blood flow is disturbed. Small capillaries are the first to suffer, which nourish the skin and supply water, oxygen, and beneficial substances to it.

Thirdly, due to constantly elevated sugar, the body is dehydrated. Therefore, diabetics need to normalize their blood sugar and drink plenty of water.

How to restore healthy skin

The main cause of diabetes complications, including skin problems, is decompensation. First of all, you need to fight high sugar and prevent this condition from lasting for a long time. Otherwise, even the most wholesome food will not do any good.

The second thing you need to work on is proper nutrition and adequate water intake. The diet should include many vitamins, minerals, healthy fats.

And of course, external factors such as moisturizing and softening creams will improve the condition of the skin, help restore blood flow. Urea products such as Diaderm and Diaultraderm are available specifically for people with diabetes. For face and body, it is better to choose creams with a 5% concentration of urea (urea); for elbows, knees and heels – 10-15%.