Dry Skin Care for Diabetes

Reasons of dry skin | How to identify dry skin | Care rules | Care products

It’s no secret that every woman at any age wants to look young and beautiful. The desire to have flawless skin pushes to experiment with means and methods of caring for it. But in the pursuit of a miracle, we forget that many factors affect the condition of the skin. So, diabetes is one of the factors that can change the type of skin. It becomes dry, lethargic and lifeless. Peeling and itching appear. This leads to the early appearance of wrinkles. Such skin needs proper and gentle care. In this article, I’ll walk you through the essential care products for dry skin.

Why does diabetes get dry skin?

With diabetes, the skin becomes dry due to high blood sugar levels.

High sugar content disturbs water balance and affects kidney function.

The body tries to get rid of blood sugar by urinating more often. This reduces the body’s water balance. And dehydration causes dry skin. There are violations in the production of sweat and sebaceous glands. And the result is a thinning and yellowing of the skin.

Failure of the sebaceous glands can be caused by such reasons as:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • age-related changes;
  • frequent stress;
  • problems of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • environmental impact;
  • insufficient adherence to the drinking regime;
  • long stay in a room with air conditioning;
  • the wrong choice of cosmetics;
  • abuse of coffee drinks;
  • bad habits.

How to identify dry skin?

Dry skin is characterized by thin skin prone to premature aging. Has a low level of elasticity. Very often it turns red, inflamed, cracked. Acne rarely appears on this type of skin.

After taking a shower or bath, a feeling of tightness appears. Capillaries shine through it, it is prone to manifestation of rosacea.

A simple test will help you determine your skin type. To do this, apply a cosmetic tissue to the cleansed skin of the forehead and nose and see if there is an oily sheen there. If the napkin remains clean, then the skin of the face is dry.

Care rules

When caring for this type of skin, careful care is needed. There are several rules:

  • Take hot baths or showers, baths and saunas as little as possible. You should also refuse to visit the solarium. Steaming is harmful to dry skin because it helps the moisture evaporate.
  • Use drinking, distilled or chilled boiled water to wash your face.
  • Try not to wash your face more than once throughout the day. In the morning, so as not to wash off the protective layer formed during the night, limit yourself to eye and oral hygiene. You can also wipe your face with a cotton pad dipped in a decoction of herbs.
  • Don’t leave makeup on overnight. Take it off in the evening to gently cleanse your skin of dust and impurities. This will clear the way for oxygen to enter.
  • For cleansing, do not use alcohol-based lotions or toners, and do not use soap. This only dries up the skin.
  • Make it a rule to do masks for dry skin twice a week.
  • Change your care products as little as possible. Capricious skin can hardly tolerate innovations.
  • Protect your face from environmental influences. In winter, apply a greasy cream at least half an hour before going outside. During this time, the cream is completely absorbed and does not hurt the skin. In summer, sunscreen.
  • Do light face exercises. This promotes the supply of oxygen to the skin, saturation of cells with nutrients.
  • It is advisable to include in the cleansing process the use of skin cleansing devices.

What care products are needed?

Cosmetologists give an unambiguous answer that with dry skin type, you cannot use scrubs, gels for washing. Because their structure is bad for this type of skin, especially in winter. The use of powder is also not recommended.

If the skin is irritated and there are red spots, then it is necessary to limit nourishing oily creams and serums. It is better to replace them with light moisturizers.

For inflamed skin, exclude the use of tonics, foundation or makeup base.

For dry, non-inflamed skin, the following products are needed:

  • micellar water;
  • cleansing milk;
  • tonic;
  • light moisturizer (for use in the morning);
  • nourishing cream (apply at night);
  • foundation or makeup base.

It will be very helpful if the following substances are included in the composition of cosmetics:

  • vitamins A, E, PP and C;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • collagen;
  • panthenol;
  • glycerol;
  • propolis;
  • omega fatty acids;
  • seaweed;
  • medicinal herbs;
  • urea.

It is also very beneficial to nourish dry skin from the inside. Be sure to eat foods rich in vitamins A, E and omega acids. These are liver, legumes, fish.

Such simple  rules and care products will help you to make your skin glow and healthy!