Diabetic Honeymoon

What is it | How to Extend It

Hello dear readers. There is such a thing as a diabetic’s “honeymoon”. It can last a month, half a year, a year — everyone has it differently.

No, it has absolutely nothing to do with the honeymoon after the wedding. And everything is not as “romantic” as that of newlyweds. For diabetics, it can end up completely unpredictable. What is this period — a honeymoon in diabetes? You will learn about this in this article.

Diabetic honeymoon — what is it?

In type 1 diabetes, insulin injections are an integral part of treatment. And very often after starting insulin therapy, a person begins to feel a decrease in diabetes symptoms.

It begins to seem that the diagnosis was not correct. There is a miracle recovery. Injections are no longer needed.

And it is at this moment that you cannot refuse treatment.

An urgent need to consult an endocrinologist for adjusting the dosage of insulin. The doctor will select a new insulin therapy regimen and give recommendations on how to prolong the honeymoon of a diabetic.

In this period you cannot refuse treatment.

Why is this happening? The fact is that at the initial stage of insulin therapy, the remaining few percent of the “live” beta cells of the pancreas are reactivated. Under the influence of the injected insulin, the “revived” cells again produce the hormone in the same amount. And taking into account the insulin coming from outside, the sugar level drops. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the dosage of the hormone obtained by injection.

This period of activation of one’s own cells is called the honeymoon phase of a diabetic.

How to Extend Your Diabetes Honeymoon?

And how long beta cells last depends on several factors:

  • the age of the person. The later in age diabetes was diagnosed, the longer it is possible to continue the honeymoon. In children, this period may not be observed.
  • the gender of the diabetic. Women have a shorter honeymoon than men.
  • stage of detection of the disease. In the earlier stages, the diagnosed diabetes increases the duration of the honeymoon. While late stages of diabetes lead to the development of ketoacidosis.

In order to extend this period, doctors recommend:

  • be attentive to your health and strengthen immunity;
  • follow a diet. This will reduce the load on the pancreas and prolong the “life” of the cells;
  • eat often, but in small portions. This will also relieve the pancreas.
  • do not refuse insulin injections if the doctor did not make such recommendations;
  • do not believe in the “miracle” healing of alternative medicine. There is currently no way to get rid of type 1 diabetes permanently;
  • control blood sugar levels.

If during this period the diabetic develops an infectious disease or the person is under stress, the dosage of insulin should be increased.

Because in a stressful state, the release of hormones sharply increases: cortisol and adrenaline, which increase blood sugar levels and the likelihood of developing ketoacidosis is high.

Note that supposedly “getting rid” of diabetes is just an illusion. Do not fall for the tricks of “folk healers” and others. It is better to direct your energies to prolonging such a period as a honeymoon. Otherwise, it may happen that the disease will remind of itself in the intensive care unit …

Be healthy. See you.