Diabetes Mellitus and Fever

What happens to the body in the heat | What to do | Help yourself

Temperature and diabetes. How temperature and diabetes are related. First, what happens in the heat with a person, with the human body?

What happens to the body in the heat?

In the heat, the amount of water in the human body decreases, due to the active evaporation of water. Because evaporation is a natural mechanism of water evaporation, thermoregulation in the human body. Evaporation is sweat, perspiration, evaporation of moisture from the human body. If there is not enough water in the human body, then accordingly there is less water in the human blood. The blood thickens.

When the blood thickens, blood pressure increases, the load on the heart is greater, and it leads to serious complications, including blood sugar rises faster and falls more slowly.

In diabetes mellitus, this is due to how the body’s biochemistry works. Similarly, in hot weather, the human pancreas, which secretes insulin, works more slowly. Because of this, the processes of insulin secretion also slower and insulin resistance increases, the sugar level can also rise.

What to do?

What should be done so that the heat is not so dangerous for you? What should be done so that these heat dangers are not as bad? You need to drink enough clean water. Not carbonated. This is a very important point.

Clean water is the most important thing a person needs in the heat.

The human body asks for water. But we sometimes forget to drink water. Especially when we are indoors, under air conditioning. It is very dangerous when you go out from under the air conditioner and get into the heat. This change has a very destructive effect on the body and for diabetics this is an extremely dangerous thing.

Better to use a simple fan to cool down. When you get from cold to heat, this creates too much pressure on the vessels.

Another very important point is that if you are outside in the heat, you need to wear a hat.

The sun strongly effects the human body through the head. If the temperature is too hot, there may be heatstroke or sunstroke.

We easily protect ourselves from sun exposure with a hat. These are all such simple things, but people forget to apply these and problems arise. For heatstroke, you need to have enough water. This is a serious protection against possible heatstroke, it is a good protection for a person with diabetes.

What else is good to do during hot weather is taking a cool shower. No extreme changes in water temperature, just a cool shower.

How to help yourself when it is hot

If you feel very sick from the heat, you can apply ice to your face. This is a very old method. But this should be done in extreme cases. You can immerse your feet in cold water, this also works well. One of the simplest daily things is walking outside in the heat, but when? When the sun goes down in the evening or early in the morning. Doctors strongly recommend postponing all your daily activities and workouts for the evening or have time to do them in the early morning, before the maximum temperature rise.