Diabetes in Men

One of the objective reasons for the feelings of young (and not only) diabetic men is the fear of the consequences of the negative impact of the disease on erectile function and intimate life. Although the weakening of sexual function, indeed, is found in diabetes, such a pessimistic view of the prospect of maintaining male abilities is overly dramatized and is not always justified.

Based on statistical data and medical observations, it can be argued that the majority of men with diabetes create normal families, have healthy children, and maintain physiological sexual activity for many years. And the better the diabetes is compensated, the more carefully the general principles of a healthy lifestyle are observed, the greater the likelihood of well-being in this intimate matter.

The better the diabetes is compensated the greater the likelihood of well-being in this intimate matter.

And if you remember that the number of relatively young, successful men who are not at all sick with diabetes, but become impotent at the age of 30-40, is growing more and more, then the unjustified pessimism of most diabetic men is completely unnecessary.

Of course, this does not mean that, if necessary, a man with diabetes should not turn to specialists for erectile dysfunction. Modern medicines and other methods of treatment in this area are very effective and can be successfully used for patients with diabetes mellitus.

Modern medicines in intimate area are very effective and can be successfully used for patients with diabetes mellitus.

In order to prevent the development of depression in adolescents and young people with diabetes, it is extremely important to provide them with thoughtful explanatory work about “life with diabetes”, the possibility of successfully combining it with study and professional growth, starting a family, playing sports …

The personal example of many famous people is very important here — actors, scientists, writers, politicians, athletes, who suffered from diabetes for many years and, despite it, achieved outstanding success in their professional and social life.

Among them, for example, inventor Thomas Edison; writers Ernst Hemingway and H.G. Wells; painters Paul Cezanne and Van Gogh; actors and singers — Fyodor Chaliapin, Ella Fitzgerald, Lyudmila Zykina, Yuri Nikulin, Elizabeth Taylor, Sharon Stone; Olympic athletes — Canadian hockey player, National Hockey League star Bobby Clark, Olympic doubles champion Steve Redgrave, multiple Olympic champion and medalist, swimmer Harry Hall …

“After all, they were able to overcome themselves and their illness,” thinks a young man who is just entering adulthood. — Why should I doubt and suffer, why — in spite of my diabetes — I cannot achieve this?! And thus, he takes the first step towards his victory.