Diabetes Effect on Memory

Human memory is formed throughout life. Our brain stores all our life experience. But the “quality” of our memory is influenced by various external and internal factors. Diabetes is one of the reasons for its worsening. In this article I will tell you about simple rules for memory in diabetes mellitus that will help you keep it.

Memory problems can be caused by a variety of reasons. Short-term memory loss is associated with the disease itself, with age-related changes in the human body.

Glucose is the main source of energy in our brain. When blood sugar levels drop, it becomes difficult to concentrate. Because of this, difficulties arise with learning and memorizing information.

If the sugar level rises, the vessels of the brain begin to suffer. This leads to premature aging of the brain and impaired memory.

So that our memory never lets us down, we need to keep sugar under control. And this, of course, is the timely intake of pills or insulin, proper nutrition, and physical activity.

Here are some simple guidelines for preserving our memory.

  • Measure blood sugar regularly and enter the data into a self-monitoring diary or mobile app for the diabetic.
  • Continue to learn. Even if you graduated from school or college long ago, study. After all, it has long been known that learning and gaining new knowledge improves the transmission of signals in the brain, stimulates the formation of connections between nerve cells.
  • Communicate. Spend time with other people. Don’t be alone. After all, isolation can lead to depression. It impairs thought processes, perception, and memory.
  • Listen to music. Listening to slow musical compositions, according to the results of numerous studies, slows down the heartbeat and pulse, and reduces the level of stress hormones in the blood. Thus, it energizes our brain and improves mood.
  • Meditate. Meditation relieves tension and relaxes. Reduces stress hormone levels. It kind of “defragments” the brain, after which thoughts come in order, the ability to learn and process information increases.
  • Read on. Reading reduces stress, distraction, and relaxation. It also develops our intelligence.
  • Be creative. This, like reading, distracts from daily problems, relaxes, and soothes. You move into an area with no pressure, no deadlines, and no rules. Allows the brain to get the recharge it needs.
  • Exercise. This is the most effective way to recharge your brain. Exercise increases concentration and develops discipline. And they even increase stress resistance.
  • Take a walk in nature. Walking in nature improves memory and attention by 20%.
  • Cancel multitasking mode. Attention is scattered when you do several things at the same time. Memory suffers from stressful situations that this regimen provokes.

Here are some simple rules that will be useful not only for diabetes. Be healthy! See you!