Diabetes and the Consumption of Fruits

Recommended fruit characteristics | What you can eat

Summer has come! This is an amazing time! All nature has come to life. Beach season and vacation time! The whole world seemed to come out of hibernation! Great mood! No depression! All live a bright and eventful life!

Summer is the season of health! At this time, we are recharged for a whole year not only with cheerfulness and good mood, but also stocked up with vitamins! And vegetables, fruits and berries help us in this, the effect of which we look forward to.

Fruit is important for every person and for any disease. Diabetes is no exception. After all, fruits perfectly quench thirst, nourish the body with useful substances, raise immunity and help resist various viruses.

And the antioxidants save our body from premature aging. The only thing that needs to be considered is the peculiarity of each fruit, so as not to harm the body.

In this article, you will find out which fruits you can eat with type 2 diabetes, without harm to your health, and which ones should be avoided.

Recommended fruit characteristics

Before eating any fruit, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • glycemic index of the product;
  • the amount of consumption.

The glycemic index of fruits should not exceed 70%.

In one day, you can eat 2 large fruits, or 3 medium-sized ones, up to 100 grams of berries and no more than 2 slices of watermelon or melon.

Doctors recommend eating fruit in the morning as a snack.

What you can eat

Apricots. This fruit is very beneficial for immunity and eye health.

It helps in the work of the endocrine and nervous system. In addition, it improves memory and “feeds” the intestinal microflora. Can be eaten to prevent stomach ulcers and cancer. They have only 17 calories and 4 grams of carbohydrates.

Pear. This fruit is rich in pectin and tannins.

Including a pear in your diet, you provide excellent bowel, kidney, and liver function. The work of the thyroid gland is normalized. Cholesterol levels return to normal.

Do you still doubt whether pears are possible with diabetes mellitus? Skin, hair and nails will thank you for the pear. The glycemic index is only 33%.

But, remember that it is not recommended to eat pears on an empty stomach! This can lead to flatulence.

The apple is the most consumed and healthy fruit for diabetes.

Its benefits are widely known: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, pectin, fiber that the fruit contains, protect our body from heart disease and hypertension, save from vitamin deficiency. The glycemic index is only 30%.

You can eat it in any form: both fresh and baked.

By the way, it is not recommended to remove the peel from apples, because it contains antioxidants that give our body youth.

Apples contain 17 grams of carbohydrates.

Oranges contain 15 grams of carbs and only 62 calories.

They are very rich in vitamin C, which means they help to strengthen the immune system.

Kiwi. Another fruit. rich in vitamin C and also high in potassium.

This means that by including kiwi in our menu, we strengthen blood vessels and the heart. GI of the product is 50%.

In addition, kiwi helps to lose weight — it burns fat!

Pomegranate has a GI of 35%.

In addition, it raises immunity, normalizes digestion processes and increases hemoglobin.

Interestingly, pomegranate should be eaten with seeds, because they contain tannins and fiber.

Pomelo is a low-calorie fruit that normalizes blood sugar and prevents excess weight from forming.

Rich in fiber and iron.