Causes of Diabetes

The main reason | Factor that directly affects the possibility of diabetes | Viral infections | Diabetes in children and adults

One of the forms of type 1 diabetes is “insulin-dependent”, the main cause of this form may be complications after viral infections, such as flu, herpes, and cholelithiasis. Factors contributing to type 2 diabetes – “non-insulin-dependent”, are a genetic predisposition, as well as diseases of the endocrine system and obesity.


The main reason for the manifestation of diabetes

The main reason for the manifestation of diabetes is impaired carbohydrate metabolism, which manifests itself due to the inability of the pancreas to produce the right amount of the hormone insulin or to produce insulin of the required quality.

There are many assumptions regarding the causes of this condition. It is well known that diabetes is a non-communicable disease. There is a theory that genetic diseases become the cause of the disease. It is proved that a higher risk of the disease occurs in those people whose close relatives were ill with diabetes. Particularly high probability of the disease in people who have been diagnosed with diabetes in both parents.


Factor that directly affects the possibility of diabetes

As another significant factor that directly affects the possibility of diabetes, experts determine obesity. With this cause, each person has the opportunity to adjust their own weight, so you should be serious about this issue.

Another provoking factor are several diseases, the result of which is the destruction of beta cells. Firstly, we are talking about pancreatitis, diseases of other endocrine glands, pancreatic cancer.

Viral infections can serve as a trigger for diabetes.

Viral infections can serve as a trigger for diabetes. Viral infections do not trigger diabetes in every case. However, people who have a hereditary predisposition to diabetes and other underlying factors have a much higher risk of getting sick due to infection.

In addition, doctors identify stress including emotional stress as a factor predisposing to the disease. The elderly should remember the possibility of getting diabetes: the older a person becomes, the greater the likelihood of a disease.

At the same time, the assumption of many that those who like to constantly eat a lot of sugar and sugary foods are at risk of getting diabetes is somewhat true since often these people also manifest weight gain or obesity.


Diabetes in children and adults

In more rare cases, diabetes in children and adults occurs as a consequence of certain hormonal disorders in the body, as well as damage to the pancreas due to alcohol abuse or taking certain medications.

Another theory postulates the viral nature of diabetes. So, type 1 diabetes can occur due to viral damage to the pancreatic beta cells producing insulin. As a response, the immune system produces antibodies called insulin antibodies.

However, to this day there are many unclear points in determining the causes of diabetes mellitus.