Blood Sugar

Why does blood sugar change | What else can sugar levels depend on | Why do I need to know my blood sugar | Causes of hypoglycemia | Danger of deviations from normal blood sugar levels | Signs of hypoglycemic coma

One of the sources of energy in our body is glucose. But, as you know, everything is good in moderation. That is, the level of glucose (or sugar) should correspond to certain indicators. If it is more or less, problems can occur in the body. To determine this indicator, an analysis of capillary blood on an empty stomach is most often done. Indicators from 3.3 to 5.5 mmol / L are considered the norm of blood sugar. However, there may be some deviations that do not indicate disease at all.

Why does blood sugar change

A blood test is done at a specific point in time and shows the sugar content at that particular moment. After eating, the sugar level changes significantly, especially if the food is rich in carbohydrates. But the body will use this sugar for work, and gradually its level will decrease. An optimal result can be obtained by using a capillary blood test (from a finger) in the period when at least 8 hours have passed since the last meal.

What else can sugar levels depend on

On age. If in children 5.6 mmol / L of sugar is already causing concern, then for a person at 60 even an indicator of 6.4 mmol / L can be considered a normal level of blood sugar.

On weight. Allowed glucose values ​​may vary from this factor. The more a person weighs, the higher the threshold of possible acceptable values.

In women during the menstrual period.

From whether a person has diabetes. The norm of blood sugar for diabetics is from 4 to 10 mmol / L. With this indicator, they can feel good and lead an active lifestyle.

Why do I need to know my blood sugar

The fact is that the work of many human organs depends on the amount of sugar contained in the blood. Lowering this level (hypoglycemia) leads to a lack of energy, apathy, increased fatigue, irritability.

Symptomatic treatment in this case does not solve the problem. While a simple blood sugar test could clarify the picture.

Causes of hypoglycemia

  • Fasting and low-calorie diets,
  • Alcohol poisoning
  • Endocrine disruption,
  • Liver problems
  • Malignant neoplasms,
  • Diseases of the nervous system.

Increased glucose – hyperglycemia. This condition can also affect the well-being of a person. High sugar gradually destroys blood vessels, therefore, affects the work of all organs and systems.

Most often, hyperglycemia causes diabetes. However, severe nervous shock, physical overload, malfunctioning of the pancreas as a result of taking certain medications can also be accompanied by an increase in sugar.

What is the danger of deviations from normal blood sugar levels

Both an increase and a decrease in this indicator adversely affect a person’s condition. Short-term fluctuations that regularly occur in the body are not dangerous. But a constant and prolonged decrease or increase in glucose levels, too sharp fluctuations can even be life threatening. The most extreme manifestations are hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic coma.

Signs of hypoglycemic coma

  • Loss of consciousness,
  • Paleness, coldness and moisture of the skin to the touch,
  • Rare, shallow breathing
  • Pupils react poorly to light.
  • The skin is cold and dry
  • Frequent, shallow breathing
  • Smell of acetone from the mouth.

Regular blood sugar levels (such as regular preventive examinations) can serve as an early warning of serious health problems. After all, a small increase or decrease may not immediately be felt by a person, and destructive processes have already begun. A change in blood sugars gives rise to a more detailed examination, identification of possible causes and timely adequate treatment.