Benefits of Zucchini for Diabetics

Medicinal properties | How to eat | Zucchini in cosmetology

One ancient Indian legend says that the wives of fishermen, when the men went to the ocean in their small boats, asked the Almighty for fruits with tender pulp like fish and with a taste reminiscent of crab and shellfish meat. They also asked that the fruit could grow on the ground. And their desire was fulfilled — the gods gave them zucchini.

Due to its unique taste and medicinal properties, zucchini is widely used in vegetarian diets, low-carb diets and even in folk medicine and cosmetology. This article focuses on type 2 diabetes and squash. Why are they so useful and good?

Medicinal properties of zucchini for diabetes

Early zucchini, while there are no ripe seeds in them yet and the skin is tender and soft, have a wide range of medicinal properties. Thanks to this they are included in the dietary food.

This vegetable is low in calories and is very popular with diabetics. The calorie content is only 24 kcal, and the GI is 15 units. The amount of XE is 0.33.

Be careful, during heat treatment the GI increases by 3 times.

It creates the illusion of quick satiety, thereby reducing the intake of other high-calorie foods. In terms of calorie content, it can be compared to a cucumber or onion. The low-calorie content can be explained by the fact that the flesh of the squash is almost completely water. Up to 1.5 kg of this vegetable can be consumed per day.

Zucchini is an easily digestible vegetable and does not irritate the intestines. Therefore, doctors recommend eating zucchini for gastrointestinal problems and various stages of diabetes.

The pectin contained in the vegetable cleanse blood vessels and blood from cholesterol.

Zucchini pulp promotes the production of glycogen, stimulates the secretion of bile.

The high iron content in the vegetable makes it possible to saturate the body with oxygen. In addition, the high content of vitamins PP, C, A, B and E groups has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Zucchini has a mild diuretic property for edema. They are recommended to be included in the diet and for hypertension, kidney and liver diseases.

Including zucchini in the diet for type 2 diabetes mellitus, diabetics have:

  • improvement of metabolic processes in the body;
  • elimination of toxins;
  • improving bowel function;
  • lowering harmful cholesterol in the blood;
  • reduction of puffiness;
  • positive effect on the organs of vision;
  • raising the level of immunity;
  • increased vitality and energy;
  • the work of the nervous system is normalized;
  • the risk of developing neuropathy is reduced.

How to eat them and what to combine with

Zucchinis are hypoallergenic. Both adults and children can eat them. People with exacerbation of gastritis and kidney disease with impaired excretion of potassium from the body should be careful.

To benefit from the vegetable you eat, you need to know how to prepare it and what to combine with it. It is best to steam, boil, stew or bake in the oven.

Zucchini can be added to soups or vegetable stews with eggplant. They also go well with tomatoes, mushrooms, cauliflower and white cabbage.

It is better not to use canned salads and pickled zucchini for diabetes, as they contain sugar and salt as preservatives. This can lead to edema, increased blood pressure and increased stress on the heart.

Here are some secrets on how to prepare a healthy meal without harming your health:

  • it is better to replace the breading of white breadcrumbs with bran.
  • do not add potatoes to vegetable stew.
  • zucchini casseroles are best done without semolina, using coarse flour.

Zucchini in cosmetology

And also valuable oil is produced from zucchini (zucchini). It is quickly absorbed into the skin without leaving an oily sheen. Nourishes and moisturizes the skin. It can also smooth wrinkles and makes skin firm and elastic. It can prevent from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. In addition, the oil has a calming, wound healing effect.

With squash oil, you can easily restore hair structure. With a moisturizing effect, the oil does a good job on cutting ends. In addition, it moisturizes the scalp and relieves dandruff.

And also, after conducting a number of studies, scientists were able to prove that by including zucchini in the diet, you can delay the appearance of gray hair.