Benefits of Yoga for Diabetes

What does yoga give | Yoga changes lifestyle

Millions of patients are diagnosed with diabetes every year. It is expected that the number of patients with diabetes in 2030 will increase to 366 million. This is more than 2 times! According to research, this figure can be higher if people do not keep track of their weight, diet and physical activity. One of the types of such physical activity can be yoga classes. Diabetes and Yoga?

Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, epilepsy … Diabetes is a very difficult problem!

What does yoga give?

Yoga allows us to bring an experimental consciousness of love of life and healing into our daily activities that start right from the inside. Yoga is used to heal hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world. Yoga treats both simple diseases: back and neck pain, and complex ones.

Diabetes is caused by the inability of the pancreas to produce enough insulin, mostly a genetic disorder.

Today diabetes is recognized as the result of a chaotic lifestyle.

Modern life, with its tension, indiscriminate food, high cholesterol, is the cause of obesity, which then turns into diabetes.

Yoga changes lifestyle

How can this problem be solved? Moderation in food, moderation in sleep, confidence in meditation, moderation in anxiety, moderation in everything, this is the ideal law of a healthy life. Yoga tries to teach people to change their lifestyle.

Modern life requires speed and tension, therefore, the restraint of our reaction and nervousness in relation to the required situations for a long time, becomes the cause of diabetes. There is a wonderful way to change this rhythm of life. In yoga we learn postures to balance and reduce excess weight well.

There are dynamic yoga exercises, they burn more calories. There are slow exercises here to regulate the secretion of the pancreas. They help increase blood flow to the pancreas, which helps the pancreas balance its sugar content. Breathing is the bridge between the body and the brain. The respiratory system also directly affects the brain. Yoga exercise controls stress and helps reduce diabetes.

Warning — do not force yourself when doing yoga, if you feel pain or discomfort, stop immediately. If you are not sure if these exercises are right for you, check with your doctor. Some exercises are contraindicated in pregnancy. Do not practice yoga after surgery.

Yoga Practice Tips — The best time to practice yoga is only in the early morning or late evening.

Always do yoga on an empty stomach. Do not eat at least 3-4 hours before yoga. Wear clothes made from natural materials so that your skin can breathe. Practice barefoot yoga. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, at least 1-2 liters. Make it your habit.