Benefits of Jerusalem Artichoke

Valuable properties and contraindications | Cooking applications

Did you know that Jerusalem artichoke is full of vitamins? Its effect on the body is invaluable!

It is widely used in traditional medicine, cooking, cosmetology and pharmaceuticals. Jerusalem artichoke for diabetes, especially type 2, is extremely useful. This is confirmed by official medicine.

So, what are the medicinal properties of the root vegetable and how to use it for diabetes? I will tell you about this within the framework of this article.

Valuable properties and contraindications

Jerusalem artichoke or earthen pear is an effective natural medicine. It got this name due to the shape of the tubers, which have an oblong appearance.

You can also find such names as: sun root, Jerusalem artichoke, “boulevard”, tuberous sunflower, “drumhead”. But no matter what it is called, Jerusalem artichoke does not lose its beneficial properties and has a pleasant sweet taste.

The root vegetable is a traditional ingredient in Belgian, German, English, Dutch and French cuisine.

Jerusalem artichoke has a unique composition:

  • 78% water;
  • 15-17% carbohydrates (inulin and dietary fiber);
  • 2.1-3.2% proteins;
  • 2-2.3% micro and macro elements (iron, magnesium, zinc, silicon, boron, potassium and others);
  • 0.5-0.6% vitamins (C, E, K, PP, B and others);
  • saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The amino acids contained in the earthen pear have medicinal properties:

  • arginine — activates the immune system, reduces the amount of subcutaneous fat, rejuvenates the body and improves muscle nutrition;
  • valine — develops muscle coordination, participates in the process of tissue regeneration, has a calming effect on the nervous system, and also relieves depression;
  • histidine — promotes the growth process, prevents hearing impairment, treats ulcers, anemia, allergies;
  • lysine — stimulates the breakdown of fats, converts them into energy, is necessary for the growth process;
  • isoleucine — controls sugar levels, provides energy to the body;
  • methionine — relieves the manifestation of depression, cholesterol levels, prevents the deposition of fat in the liver;
  • leucine — synthesizes protein;
  • tryptophan — normalizes sleep, relieves chronic fatigue syndrome, reduces the level of body fat;
  • phenylalanine — takes part in the production of thyroxine, a thyroid hormone.

Jerusalem artichoke is a particularly useful inulin, which is a polymer of fructose.

With regular consumption of the root crop, the number of bifidobacteria increases, which suppress pathogens.

This is a wellness cocktail you need to take to stay healthy!

Despite a lot of useful properties, the artichoke also has harmful qualities. So, contraindications for use can be:

  • personal intolerance;
  • gas formation.

In other cases, an earthen pear is considered absolutely harmless.

Cooking applications

Jerusalem artichoke has a sweet and nutty flavor, has a juicy crunchy pulp, similar to radish.

Earthen pear is best eaten raw, so that the body can get the maximum number of beneficial properties.

Earthen pear goes well with cucumbers, tomatoes, quince, pears, herbs.

The root vegetable is included in various salads and vinaigrettes.

It is subjected to various culinary treatments: salted, pickled, fermented, boiled, fried, stewed, dried. Interestingly, after that, the root vegetable acquires a more pronounced taste and aroma than a fresh artichoke.

Fried and baked Jerusalem artichoke is used as a filling for pancakes and pies.

In addition, cutlets, casseroles, jams, compotes, side dishes, jelly, kvass, soups and even pancakes are made from it.

Jerusalem artichoke promotes gas formation, therefore it is recommended to use seasonings, herbs and spices when preparing dishes that suppress this negative property. These spices can be: dill, cumin, cloves, garlic, onions, coriander and parsley.

Artichoke tubers are used for making diet coffee.

And if you add dry powder to homemade baked goods, then they will stay fresh for a long time and will not stale. This is due to fructose, which retains moisture for a long time.

For diabetics, this vitamin salad will be very useful:

  1. We take Jerusalem artichoke, fresh cucumber, radish.
  2. Cut into small cubes.
  3. Chop the parsley and dill.
  4. We mix all the ingredients.
  5. Add salt to taste.
  6. Season with olive oil.
  7. To preserve the color of the chopped tuber, which turns black quickly, add 20 ml of apple cider vinegar to the salad.