Benefits of Ginseng for Diabetes

Ginseng root | The use of ginseng for diabetes | Contraindications

Did you know that diabetes teaches optimism and responsibility? And the course of the disease depends on how responsibly we watch our health.

Also, its course depends on plants-adaptogens. These plants “adapt” to the human body to environmental influences, launching the processes of rejuvenation, self-renewal, give strength to restore the organs damaged by the disease, improve emotional perception and reduce the risk of developing many complications.

One Chinese proverb says: the king of beasts is the tiger; the king of plants is ginseng. Ginseng, diabetes — this will be discussed in this article.

Ginseng root

The “all-healing” root of ginseng, capable of returning a dying person to life — this is precisely the fame attributed to this plant in China and Tibet in the 17th century.

Today, ginseng is considered the king of adaptogens. You can buy ginseng tincture at any pharmacy.

It is known that ginseng contains trace elements such as iron, phosphorus, sulfur, manganese, silicon, and aluminum.

It is believed that the main active ingredients in the root are glycosides, namely saponins, the chemical composition of which has not yet been clarified.

Some saponins, like soap, combine with water to form a foam, irritate the mucous membrane and act as surfactants. Thus, they enhance intestinal peristalsis, that is, they promote the digestion of food, the secretion of glands, and give a diuretic effect.

Other saponins are able to hemolyze blood, cleanse hematopoietic organs, and have a positive effect on the liver. Ginseng also contains a wide range of B vitamins required by the pancreas and other vital organs.

Today the plant is considered a universal medicine used for general weakness, loss of strength, depression, stress, and poor memory.

Root preparations are drunk in the postoperative period, during severe diseases. It has a positive effect on the entire endocrine system — pituitary gland, thyroid and pancreas, genitals, etc.

The use of ginseng for diabetes

Ginseng is a versatile medicine. It has unique qualities that will help both prevent diabetes mellitus and significantly ease its course and prolong life.

The plant lowers blood sugar and glucose. It also enhances and improves the effect of drugs.

Ginseng root and derivatives from it have a beneficial effect on all systems and the entire body as a whole. It is useful at any stage of the development of the disease.

It is very beneficial for patients suffering from diabetes to take a tincture of ginseng root. The dosage is assigned individually. The main therapeutic course is one and a half to two months. After that, a break is taken and the treatment course of taking ginseng tincture is repeated.

Patients with type 2 diabetes are also advised by doctors to take a course of ginseng tincture.

For use, determination of the dose and time of taking ginseng and preparations with it, it is necessary to consult.


Individual intolerance and allergy to ginseng will not allow you to take drugs in which it is present.

There are also age restrictions, you should not use ginseng for minors.

It is forbidden for women during lactation and pregnancy. You need to use a natural remedy in a strict dosage recommended by a specialist.