Alternative Locations for Installing an Insulin Pump

The abdomen is one of the most convenient areas for insulin injections. Here you can clearly see where to insert the needle. The subcutaneous fat layer of sufficient thickness so that the steel needle does not cause discomfort, insulin is absorbed quickly and evenly. Therefore, it is not surprising that 8, or even 9 out of 10 patients fix the cannula of the infusion system, administer the medicine with the help of a syringe pen here.

Alternative locations for installing an insulin pump infusion set when placed frequently in the same places, scars may form, or adipose tissue may grow (lipohypertrophy). Seals occur in which the drug is not properly absorbed, leading to poor control of diabetes.

The question arises: where else can I install an infusion system?

There are alternative places – here insulin is absorbed a little slower than when introduced into the stomach. The most suitable sites used by many patients with diabetes are:

  • upper quadrant of the buttocks – a cannula, mainly thin patients, is placed here. For people with a full or normal physique is not the best option due to the slow absorption of the drug;
  • hips (from the outside) – due to the active work of the muscles (when running, walking), insulin is absorbed here a little faster. The inner surface of the thighs is not the best place for a catheter, because it can be damaged by touching the hips during movement, irritation and infection are possible;
  • forearm (upper outer third) – the absorption rate here is the same as in the abdomen, subcutaneous fat in most people is enough for a comfortable catheter insertion. But, as a rule, when installing an infusion set, the help of an outside person is required. Accelerated absorption during active movements is possible (for example, playing tennis).

The infusion system can be installed in the same areas that are used for insulin injections using syringe pens. The only limitation is the inconvenience of attaching the cannula, its possible displacement during everyday activities, sleep.

Feel free to experiment!

Feel free to experiment, the larger the area used, the more comfortable the injections will be, and your skin will maintain a healthy and beautiful appearance. Do not forget to change infusion sets in a timely manner. Teflon cannulas need to be changed every three days, steel – after two days.