15 Facts About Diabetes

Stress | Body temperature | Ketones | During illness | Vomiting and diarrhea | Skin lesions | Infection | Planned operations | Some medications can increase blood glucose | Risk of oral diseases | Children with diabetes


First fact about diabetes stress hormones increases

During an infectious disease, especially with a rise in body temperature, the concentration of stress hormones increases, which leads to an increase in the need for insulin.


Second fact about diabetes

Even if there are no meals due to feeling unwell, it is not recommended to stop insulin administration.

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Third fact about diabetes when the body temperature rises

When the body temperature rises above 100 ° F, an insulin dose increase of 25% is often required, with high fever (102 ° F and above) an insulin dose increase of 50% may be required.


Fourth fact about diabetes

In case of abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, it is necessary to immediately check the level of ketones in the blood.


Fifth fact about diabetes

During illness, it is extremely important to drink plenty of fluids, especially if the blood glucose level is elevated. Nausea can intensify if you drink a significant amount of liquid quickly, so it is recommended to drink slowly, in small sips.


Sixth fact about diabetes

Despite a decrease in appetite during illness, it is necessary to replenish the supply of carbohydrates to prevent a decrease in glucose levels, for example, due to sugary drinks.


Seventh fact about diabetes

In case of poisoning (gastroenteritis) with the appearance of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, it may be necessary to reduce the dose of insulin by 20-50% to prevent the development of hypoglycemia.


Eighth fact about diabetes

With satisfactory control of diabetes, skin lesions will heal as quickly as in a person without diabetes. However, if the control is unsatisfactory, the healing process may be delayed.


Ninth fact about diabetes

In case of signs of wound infection (persistent pain and redness of the skin at the wound site for 2-3 days, fever, increased local lymph nodes), you should immediately consult a doctor.


Tenth fact about diabetes

Before carrying out planned operations, it is recommended to achieve satisfactory control of blood glucose levels, as this improves the healing and recovery processes.


Eleventh fact about diabetes

When conducting an operation lasting no more than 30-60 minutes or various studies (gastroscopy, colonoscopy), you can leave the usual regimen of insulin therapy, reducing the dose of basal insulin by 20-30%. For longer interventions, the anesthetist will monitor blood glucose by administering insulin intravenously.


Twelfth fact about diabetes

It must be remembered that some medications can increase blood glucose. Such drugs include steroid hormones (glucocorticosteroids), which are used to treat asthma, systemic diseases. When taking such medications for several days, an increase in the dose of insulin may be required.


Thirteenth fact about diabetes

With poor control of diabetes mellitus, the risk of oral diseases can increase. Gum disease can so increase the need for insulin.


Fourteenth fact about diabetes

In diabetes mellitus, there are no contraindications to any research methods (computed tomography, radiography, magnetic resonance imaging).


Fifteenth fact about diabetes

Children with diabetes should be vaccinated according to the general vaccination schedule.